by DannyHaszard 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • fullofdoubtnow

    What a tragedy for the poor girl and her family. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is soon a former jw, df'd to protect the cong's reputation.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Samantha Semmer's Family Speaks Out

    Oct 16, 2006 11:20 PM PDT

    Samantha Semmer's Family Speaks Out

    WEST RICHLAND, Wash. - The family of Samantha Semmern speaks out after the man who crashed into her and killed her two months ago is charged with vehicular homicide.

    In Samantha's obituary, it said she had ambitions to change the world but it also ends by saying she was killed by a drunk driver.

    On Monday, 51-year-old David Pleake of Kennewick was charged with vehicular homicide. Benton County Prosecutors said he was drunk when he crashed into the driver's side of Samantha's car.

    Monday night, Samantha's family said the charges don't make the situation any easier, it just reminds them of how hard it is without her.

    "She was going to make a difference she was going to serve people she was going to a poor country (and teach) she graduated with honors she was going to make that difference," said her mother Linda Fastabend.

    On Monday, David Pleake will be in court for the first time to answer to the charges.

  • parakeet

    ***On Monday, David Pleake will be in court for the first time to answer to the charges.***

    If he is truly one of the upstanding followers of the "true God," he will plead guilty to the charges, accept the court's punishment, and do everything in his power to atone for what he's done. A true "Christian" of Jehovah God would do nothing less. Let's see what kind of example he sets for other JWs and for the rest of the world.

  • morty

    JW or not, if ya do the crime, ya do the time......

    that poor family will never see their daughter, wife/ girlfriend, sister, niece, friend, or cousin, every again or have her get out in good time served.....if the tables were changed and the JW’s lost one of their own to a drunk driver, every legal option and bible scripture would be brought up.....and twisted of course to boot!!

    Just sick!!

    No excuses for drinking and driving!!

  • purplesofa

    In JW thinking she has a hope of a resurrection for dieing before Armeggedon, while her family could be destroyed.

    I wonder if they will tell her that they need to become a witness to be able to see their daughter when she is resurrected.

  • Hells Fairey
    Hells Fairey

    O wait! I know! it was a MIRACLE! The LORD caused his blood alcohol level to soar to 0.20 so as to enhance BrotherPleake's joy after consuming only two beers.


    I hope he is disfellowshiped, for being a murderer and DUI

  • blondie

    He will more likely be df'd for embarrassing the congregation and the WTS and making them look bad in the community.


  • Alpheta

    On the other hand, if he is TRULY repentent (cough, cough), and an alcoholic (which he will teary-eyed confess to in front of the JC), he may well be forgiven and kept in good standing, and perhaps even retain his elder standing. After all, we all know that male JWs are getting scarcer and scarcer as time goes on, so that men who are, prima facie, unqualified to become elders, are still being "appointed by holy spirit" with the blessing of the GB. There is a crisis in the congregations caused by a shortage of "qualified" brothers to take over the roles supposedly assigned to them biblically (as interpreted through the filter of the WTBTS). This crisis will only continue to deepen as time goes on.

    Expect to read more stories like this - and expect there will be more stories of the same kind that we never read here - about such men being reinstated to their prior positions. We know the WTBTS can turn a blind eye on sending KNOWN PEDOPHILES in the door to door ministry, so what do they care if they have a drunken elder or two or a dozen or more - taking the "lead" in congregations - elders who have killed innocent people by vehicular manslaughter because they were drunk. What do they care? They don't!

  • DannyHaszard

    WOW Exact same news release except for one word change former

    Kennewick Minister Charged with Vehicular Homicide
    KNDO/KNDU, WA - 9 hours ago
    ... the news. Pleake is an ordained minister, and according to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness, is a former elder at the church.


  • drwtsn32


    Man Charged with Vehicular Homicide has Prior DUI

    KENNEWICK, Wash. - The Kennewick man who Benton County Prosecutors allege killed Samantha Semmern in a drunk driving crash last August was still on probation for a past DIU offense.

    According to court documents, David Pleake plead guilty in April of 2005 for driving drunk on Highway 240 in Benton County with a blood alcohol level of .24. That reading is three times the legal limit of .08.

    Pleake entered a deferred prosecution program for that DUI and admitted to an alcohol addiction.

    On Monday, he was charged with vehicular homicide after investigators said it was his drunk driving that killed Semmern. Again, his blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit at the time of the crash.

    One defense attorney who deals with drunk driving cases said the deferred prosecution program doesn't always make our roads safer.

    "The majority of the ones I see usually don't work because people either don't take it seriously or it fails because they don't use their interlock device or because of a new offense," said Randy Jamison of Armstron, Klym, Waite, Atwood and Jamison Law Firm in Richland.

    Pleake did have an ignition interlock device on his car, but it was only ordered for a year. Three months after the order was up, Samantha was killed.

    A hold has been put on Pleake's driver's license. On Tuesday, prosecutors argued he should not have it restored. His defense said he needs it for work.

    The judge in the case has not made a ruling on the matter.

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