Whatever Happened To THIS Belief?

by Sunspot 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot
    I still attend meetings (unfortunately), and this point is certainly not stressed or emphasized as much as it once was. Just to illustrate how the average dub just turns off all logical thought...my wife comes home the other night from meeting with her 50 tracts for the campaign. She's all excited and says to me, "I really think that the slave has some kind of knowledge regarding the end of the system...they must because why else would they print this tract?" I couldn't take it, so I politely asked her if she remembers what Matt 24:26 says? She didn't so I got out the bible and showed her were it says NOBODY execpt the father knows the time of the end!!! She answers, "Well I am STILL sure that Jehovah has communicated something to the slave class". No scriptual basis for that feeling, mind you...just her blind faith in this org. So there you have it...when faced with a contradiction between what the "slave" says and what the bible says, you know what way the average dub is gonna lean.


    As "popular" as this was years ago....there MUST be a reason this is overlooked NOW....I guess what the posters on this thread have brought out, would explain the lack of furor and enthusiasm in this prediction as in years gone past!

    The assumption that the WTS/GB/FDS "knows something" or is "more-knowledgable-than-the-average-bear", is shared by many JWs. I felt this way myself when I was "in". Your experience does not surprise me.....and a "good" JW will see things the same way as your wife does.

    The inner feelings that the WTS has pretty much got everything figured....and is leading its followers into that promised land and fantasy paradise earth....came to a screeching halt once I discovered all its prior "mistakes", lack of honesty and credibility and sneaky behavior hidden from us as JWs.

    It HAS to be terribly difficult to live with a JW who swallows AND believes in all the WTS editors write.



  • Zico


    You can read more about the revisions here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/117685/1.ashx

    There are some scans on page 3 of this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/117685/3.ashx

  • Sunspot
    We are still patiently waiting for the watchtower to create a new definition for the word "instantly", just as they've done with the word "generation". Then they have to come up with major and minor fulfillments of this text, as well as typical and antitypical meanings for it. Then they need to figure out who, precisely, is saying "peace and security". Is it the "king of the north"? South? Both?
    This could take a very long time.


    LOL! I enjoyed your comment! And yes.....it seems this should be the case! "Instantly" woud not mean "instantly"....but have another new meaning attached to the JW mind, one of those words that ONLY another JW will understand like the term "heart condition" pioneer, return visit, etc. The pure language of pure garbage.

    That "king of the North" nonsense proved to be complete and total speculation on the WTS part! The WTS writers didn't have ANY IDEA of what they were talking about.....but pretended to their followers that they possessed special insight that no one else had.....a BIG MISTAKE on their part which does not go unnoticed by their opposers!

  • BluesBrother
    Since Bible prophesies are often completly understood after thay are fulfilled or in the course of fulflillment, we will have to wait and see.

    I have had this line at home . I said that I thought that the trick was to foretell events before they happened. Anyone can comment on them afterwards. Isn't the quote about god that "He is the one telling from the beginning, the finale"?

    Talk about wanting it both ways!

    Once a dub has got a belief fixed in their brain, it takes a lot to shift it . The older ones who learned the "Peace and Security" belief won't want to give it up.

  • Sunspot
    *** dg part 9 p. 21 How We Know We Are in "the Last Days" ***
    "How many Bible prophecies remain to be fulfilled before God destroys this present system? Very few! One of the last is at 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which states: "While they are talking of peace and security, all at once calamity is upon them." (The New English Bible) This shows that the end of this system will begin "while they are talking." Unforeseen by the world, destruction will strike when least expected, when the attention of humans is on their hoped-for peace and security."


    I thank you so much for your comments and the great WTS contributions on this thread! These would have taken me forever to hunt down on my own!

    I still encounter JWs even now who talk about the "peace and security" cry as a future bur near prophecy. The WTS has said that would come just before the destruction of Babylon the Great so the 2 events are tied up in their minds.

    The WTS has mentioned this enough in recent years that even new JWs are aware of it. I'm sure after going through the Revelation book, everyone will have it clearly in mind.

    I don't (obviously) get "the latest" WTS literature, and read only what I see online, and I didn't remember seeing any references to the Peace and Security cry that we heard about ALL the time only a few short years ago!

    Thanks to all who replied to my question.



  • Sunspot

    I have had this line at home . I said that I thought that the trick was to foretell events before they happened. Anyone can comment on them afterwards. Isn't the quote about god that "He is the one telling from the beginning, the finale"?

    Talk about wanting it both ways!


    (Why do I always hear "Soul Man"every time I see your avatar?)

    I have to agree with you in the idea that to "foretell" an event doesn't count when it is an afterthought, LOL!

    The WTS has always wanted it both ways! It supposedly keeps their credibility factor UP in the eyes of their followers.

  • Sunspot
    You can read more about the revisions here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/117685/1.ashx

    There are some scans on page 3 of this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/117685/3.ashx

    Thanks Zico!

    I remember when this was discussed but I didn't pay attention to it OR the "newly added information" at te time. I figured I was never going to be at the bookstudy whee this was being "studied" or that I wouldn't have much use for what the JWs were NOW being bombarded with, LOL!

    You'd THINK the WTS writers would keep far away from bible commentary and personal interpretations of scripture, what with their miserable track record and all!!!

    Thanks again....and now this will all be on this thread and I can look it up more easily!



  • eyeslice

    There is a bit of a dilema here for Witness theology here!

    If the world is filled with violence and uncertainity - people are attracted (perhaps frightened) towards the 'end of the world' doctrine. On the other hand, if the world does become peaceful then people are not.

  • Perry

    The magician uses words to give the illusion of control to the mark and prediction capabilities to himself.

    For instance, when giving the mark a "choice" of a red card or a black card from a deck, no matter what is chosen the magician still can do whatever he wants by simply saying:

    1. Why don't you keep the red card, the one that you chose and I'll keep the black one. Or,

    2, I'll keep the red card, the one that you chose and let you hold the black one.

    Likewise, a cry of Peace and Security is used in relatively 'good times" to scare publishers. When times are bad as they have been in recent years, the End is declared as imminent to rid the world of wickedness, false religion, etc. (read terrorists) .

    Their game really is quite simple.

  • SixofNine

    Republican majority happened to that belief. When your political survival depends on people feeling afraid, you can't very well allow your constituents to catch even a glimmer of "peace breaking out all over", now can you?

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