End of Religion Tract Posted on Official Website
by Justitia Themis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You can almost taste the irony.
Do you think anyone but the Witnesses even reads their site?
All they need is 5.7 billion hits from unique individuals, and with the 300 million or so they are (theoretcially) distributing by hand, they will have covered the globe with this vital, life-saving message!
Wasanelder Once
Did you watch the guy doing ASL? He really is expressive. It looks like trouble for false religion the way he is showing god destroying it! Whew!
AK - Jeff
That's all I see is a couple of pictures with a video in the center of sign-language - did I miss something?
I doubt it'll get many hits, somehow, apart from jws, so putting it there won't achieve much.
All they need is 5.7 billion hits from unique individuals, and with the 300 million or so they are (theoretcially) distributing by hand, they will have covered the globe with this vital, life-saving message!
..and then the end can come. For sure this time. Unless Jehovah is testing us again, that is...
Black Sheep
JWs don't know the definition of Near.
If you are unsure of what it means, see this video.
That Sesame Street is a riot. Fits too. Makes me think of dubs walking the streets back and forth, back and forth....proclaiming the end is NEAR.