lol...thanks butters.
So we're pretty much safe? cool....
No, if you vote Republican. Yes if you vote Democrat. If you vote Democrat you vote on Wednesday; If republican, Tuesday.
And please....don't turn this into another one of the Republican/Democrat, left wingers are demented, right wingers are nazis threads. I am so sick of that shit, and I think there are enough of those threads on this board already. Please don't turn mine into one. Thank you. I was discussing this w/ Matt last night and he stated the same thing as Butters did. When he was growing up, he was afraid that Russia was going to nuke everyone. I try to have the same frame of mind as you's just not that easy sometimes...I've only been out of the borg for about 3 years, and I still get nervous over Armageddon/End of time stuff. ~luv, jojo