I've just been reading this thread and it makes me sick. I wish the elders or the society could be held accountable......
by BabaYaga 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I've just been reading this thread and it makes me sick. I wish the elders or the society could be held accountable......
Makes you wonder if encouraging young baptism is another clever but disgusting ploy by the WTS to get and trap members. Get the kids baptised while they are still young enough to be eager to please mum and dad and the congregation but too young to have any idea of the long term consequences it entails.
Hopscotch - baptised at 15
The fact is , by the laws of the land , age restrictions are put in place for certain activities for a reason. You cant learn to drive until you are 17. You cant vote until you are 18. You cant get married until you are 16. You cant go into a pub or buy alcohol until you are 18, sometimes 21. (All in UK).
The WTS will encourage baptism at a young age for their own benefit.........to lock them into the organization. What they don't think about is, when a child in the org. then does something wrong or breaks the rules, which they most likely will do, purely down to being young, going through the trials and tribulations of adolesance, or bowing to peer pressure,.... they will then have sit through a scary judicial committee. They could face disfellowshipping and public humiliation in the congregation. What Child could cope with being ostracised, shunned and alienated from their friends? They are not mature enough to accept this or deal with it. With some it could have a really adverse effect mentally and emotionally. They will treated the same way they would deal with an adult and yet they are not an adult. It shouldn't be allowed.....the whole thing is disgusting and its just another way they mess up peoples lives...!
In one congregation 5 about 12-year-olds were baptized in one convention. It didnt take more than 1-2 years until two of these (young girls) were disfellowshiped. Today, about 10 years later, only 1 of them is still a witness.
it's a combination of the following thought processes:
us against the world
fear of god
mentally unstable
maybe if these kids were able to have free choice and decide for themselfs they maynot have felt the need to get baptised. So many feel pressured, unlike our kids....they can choose.
Becca1 hit the nail on the head. I always quietly discourage any young child from making a decision to get baptized when they approach me. I have had a few parent ask me before why and I simply tell them essentially what Becca1 said about how old Jesus was when he made his dedication to Jehovah. However even as a child he found favor with God and men, but he still did not take the step of baptism until 30. I just ask them why do they think that is?
Don't know how many parents\kids that has helped to not make the decision too soon.
The Witchtower gofors prolly regret that they cannot stone disobedient children to death like in Bible Times.
These stories are certainly tragic and definitely make me cautious concerning my daughter and the influence that my wife's religion has on her. Personally, I will discourage allowing my daughter to get baptized while she is a minor. To be fair, I will also discourage this within my own church as well. It is hard to know what the age of accountability is but I believe that if we use Jesus's example, He was baptized at 30. Therefore, waiting until our daughter is at least 18 before making that commitment seems fair to me.
In all fairness we should realise that the Catholic Church views the age of accountability to be 12, hence the first communion.
They dont excommunicate minors however, though they practise mental child abuse with fear of Hellfire etc.