
by Amanda001 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jrjr4189

    Welcome Amanda,

    Everyone one of us wishes that everyone we know would just google Jehovahs Witnesses and see all the facts out there about the religion. Unfortunately, that is one thing that those involved with the religion are not able to do. Spread your feelings all you like here.

  • mama1119

    Welcome Welcome! Thank you for your comments, you are right on point!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    The label "cult" is also misleading in the sense that some outsiders tend to assume that JWs, being a cult instead of a fringe Christian denomination, know NOTHING about the Bible. That they only do these weird things because they chant their own silly mantras or some nonsense. That is a dangerous under-estimation of the Dubs.

    Some of their doctrines may be unique, but their worldview is not that far off from conservative Christian groups. Also, a certain amount of scholarship is required to debunk some of their doctrines. And that may come as a surprise to those who've never debated agst JWs before.

    I still think they are a cult of stupid mean and wishful ideologies, with a level of scholarship I can't even make conversation with

    But hey, that's just my opinion

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • lonelysheep

    Welcome Amanda!!!!!

    Who are you to say that they cannot be with each other? You have no right to judge what others are donig, especially if they do it all without bothering you.

    Exactly why they disgust me! One of the reasons, anyway.

    I guess you won't be joining the JW's, huh?!

  • Finally-Free

    Oooooooooooooooohhhh, Amanda!!!

    I think I'm in love.


  • R6Laser
    Who are you to judge them????? Who are you to say that they cannot be with each other? You have no right to judge what others are donig, especially if they do it all without bothering you.


    And who are you to judge the jws and what they do? Are they forcing your hand to do something you don't want? Follow your own advice.

  • StillGroggy

    Welcome Amanda

  • behemot

    I'm surprised none of you smells a troll here.

    Guess it's because Amanda's post exactly mirrors the reaction to the tract you wish and welcome.

    I tend to believe that most people won't bother reading the tract and even those who will, won't take the time to research and/or post their opinions (on the wrong place, for that matter, but incidentally on a forum where her thoughts would be commended and agreed upon).

    I'm afraid Amanda might be making fun of you (no replies so far, I wonder why).


  • greendawn

    Welcome Amanda, indeed the JW leaders are absolutely allergic to any form of criticism and they brook no objection anyone that objects is very quickly marginalised or expelled. A very dictatorial set up.

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