No Tag At My Son's School....

by Why Georgia 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    No more "competitive" games where the atheletic kids rule over the fat kids.

    Alternatively they could just stop keeping score. That way, if a kid hits a ball during a school softball game he can feel penalized when he has to perform the extra labour of running from one base to another. (kinda like the congregation softball games we had).

    I remember a time when people were respected because they earned it. People built their own self esteem through their accomplishments. By coddling kids today we'll end up denying them such opportunities.


  • purplesofa

    I loved playing tag.......what a shame.>1=8618

    its crazy.

    Your only as strong as your weakest link.

    we cater to the weak and whiners


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I just wanted to update everyone who had looked at my post.

    Friday the principal at my son's school has decided now to talk to the parents and then make a joint decision about tag or no tag.

    And then today, I heard on the local news that tag is back in at the school and I saw my son on TV which was wierd, but I suppose I should be thankful that it was for something like this and not on America's Most Wanted.

    It's just crazy to me that so many people got upset, I mean angry death threat upset about this tag issue...but they aren't upset that the school hasn't met the learning requirements mandated by No Child Left Behind.

    So they want the kids to play tag, but they don't care if they can do math or read.

    Oh well.

    Best Regards,


  • hambeak

    You can blame the lawyers and the courts for this as litigation with frivolous lawsuits permeate every faction of american life. Parents are quick to blame the schools and teachers for most everything. What ever happened to kids will be kids and get a few knocks in the growing up process?

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I haven't scanned it into the computer yet, but my letter was printed in our paper.

    Here it is, if anybody wants to read:

    To The Editor: Last week I read with interest all the attention Willett School received because of the "No Tag rule," and the responses to the articles in the Sun Chronicle bashing Pia Durkin, School Superintendent for saying that this whole tag media circus was a "non-issue", accusing her of being elitist and not understanding the common man. I read nasty comments about our new principal for single handedly turning every child in America into Obese whiners who don't understand the rules of life because tag was taken away during recess. Now, I have never met Ms. Durkin, but I have met Mrs. Heppe on several occasions, my son is in first grade at Willett School; and to me Tag is not a big issue. The second week of school all the parents at Willett got notices in the mail that our school had not met the State of Massachusetts learning requirements and that our children could transfer to another school that is meeting the Standards. This is an issue! Willett school started a literacy program where parents come in to their children's classroom and read books to encourage kids to have a love for books and reading, so far none of the parents have been able to do this. Why - because they have not been able to be Criminally checked (CORI) to come into the school and volunteer. There is no date yet, when these CORI checks will happen. This is an issue! The monthly Parent Teachers Organization meeting was last week. Out of a school of 400+ children, 20 people were at the meeting. This number included Teachers and the Principal. Where are all the people who care about their children not being able to play tag? Everyone was so outraged, they stayed home? I think people have forgotten how this whole mess started. A simple article was published about Willett School trying to earn funds to build a new playground. The playground is old and children get a lot of splinters when they are trying to play at recess. Some days the kids have not been able to play on the equipment at all because of wasps and bee's making homes in the old wood structure. We just wanted a new safe play structure. We did not ask for this media attention. We did not ask for the children walking home to be accosted by news media in unmarked vans. We did not ask to be an international joke. We asked for the communities help in raising funds for a fun place to play. Willett School has the most children from low income families of any school in Attleboro. Some of the children come home to apartments, or multi-family homes and the Willett playground is the only one they will get to play on. I live in one of the poorest sections of Attleboro, and the only play area is the street in front of my house. So again, Tag is not an issue. No one has been hurt from not playing Tag. Children have been hurt from old playground equipment. Children have been hurt from not being able to read and do math. Children have been hurt by apathy. Everyone who is so upset about the No Tag issue, do something to actually help Willett School! Volunteer, Go to a PTO meeting, send in Box Tops for Education , do something besides complain to help our kids.

  • lovelylil


    This must be a Massachusettes thing. I live near Boston (south) and in my kids school they cannot play tag either. I didn't read all the posts here but will go back and do so when I have time. Isn't it silly though? Lilly

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