is a good one, too.
by AK - Jeff 15 Replies latest jw friends is a good one, too.
you may want to try they have scores of voice and chat rooms most nights they have 100 christian rooms going. you have all types there. even the dreaded jw's. john
Thanx F-petal. Imagine my shock when discovering that the admin over there has the same name as my deceased brother ? I looked around and liked what I saw - does look like it is under construction - wanted to email them - but found no email address.
thanx a million - Jeff
Hi there, Jeff,
The new forum was recently upgraded to a commercial software to better accommodate growth and participation, but it's been online for the past couple weeks. It was just that I have long since moved on from Watchtower-centric theology and focus now on Christianity itself, both in its modern-day setting as well as its historical setting. Pathways (Online) was my previous board, by the way.
If you're interested in registering, look over the guidelines.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at [email protected]. If you want to call me voice, my number is posted on my forum, in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Timothy Kline
Welcome, TIM!!!!
Hi Jeff