I had no idea that I'd get so many responses! Basically, in my internet browsing, I stumbled across this site. It said "everyone welcome" so I just came right on in. I think I was so upset by what I had found out about JW's, that I didn't really read other postings, and so I just had to write down what I felt as quickly as thoughts were coming into my head. I didn't realize I was in the company of friends, so thanks to everyone who pointed that out to me. So, in response to Behemot I was not making fun of anyone on this site, I merely wrote what I felt and wanted to see how others reacted. In response to R6Laser, that I shouldn't judge the JW's for what they do because I'm telling them not to judge others. Well, you may be right in that sense. I have no problems admitting that I may be hypocritical at times. I am human, it's what we do, and I'm not ashamed to say that I can be a hypocrite. It's just that when any group of people, whether religious or not, are shunning people because they are gay, it breaks my heart. I have family members and friends who are gay, and what they have gone through is atrocious. They have been emotionally and physically abused because they lead a lifestyle that is deemed evil and sinful in others' eyes. I'm not saying the JW's are alone responsible for this, most other religions have had their part. Even people not religious take their fair share in the abusing. But when a religion comes out and specifically states that being gay is wrong, its not even about judging. Its about having compassion, understanding, and respect for others. It's about human rights. Also, you say that the JW's have never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. Well, when I was younger, I was playing outside my house with some friends, when lo and behold a JW comes up to us and starts talking to us. She told us that the only way to live in a peaceful world was to become a JW. She told us that if we didn't become JW's, when we died we will not be able to live in this paradise that she she described. She said something far worse would happen. When you are 9 or 10, this hits home to you. You are young, impressionable, and believe what adults tell you. So while she wasn't physically forcing us to become a JW, she sure was on her way to scaring us into it. Which is just as bad when you're a child. What I state here is only my opinion. I never claimed to be an expert on JW or any other religion. I only go by what I know. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to go by that for the rest of my life. I will continue to research, study and learn as much as I can.
by Amanda001 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Line breaks and paragraphs are your friends. . . .
I had no idea that I'd get so many responses! Basically, in my internet browsing, I stumbled across this site. It said "everyone welcome" so I just came right on in.
I think I was so upset by what I had found out about JW's, that I didn't really read other postings, and so I just had to write down what I felt as quickly as thoughts were coming into my head. I didn't realize I was in the company of friends, so thanks to everyone who pointed that out to me.
So, in response to Behemot I was not making fun of anyone on this site, I merely wrote what I felt and wanted to see how others reacted. In response to R6Laser, that I shouldn't judge the JW's for what they do because I'm telling them not to judge others. Well, you may be right in that sense. I have no problems admitting that I may be hypocritical at times.
I am human, it's what we do, and I'm not ashamed to say that I can be a hypocrite. It's just that when any group of people, whether religious or not, are shunning people because they are gay, it breaks my heart. I have family members and friends who are gay, and what they have gone through is atrocious. They have been emotionally and physically abused because they lead a lifestyle that is deemed evil and sinful in others' eyes.
I'm not saying the JW's are alone responsible for this, most other religions have had their part. Even people not religious take their fair share in the abusing. But when a religion comes out and specifically states that being gay is wrong, its not even about judging. Its about having compassion, understanding, and respect for others. It's about human rights.
Also, you say that the JW's have never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. Well, when I was younger, I was playing outside my house with some friends, when lo and behold a JW comes up to us and starts talking to us. She told us that the only way to live in a peaceful world was to become a JW. She told us that if we didn't become JW's, when we died we will not be able to live in this paradise that she she described. She said something far worse would happen.
When you are 9 or 10, this hits home to you. You are young, impressionable, and believe what adults tell you. So while she wasn't physically forcing us to become a JW, she sure was on her way to scaring us into it. Which is just as bad when you're a child.
What I state here is only my opinion. I never claimed to be an expert on JW or any other religion. I only go by what I know. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to go by that for the rest of my life.
I will continue to research, study and learn as much as I can.
I think you can still get my point.
That's all I care about.
I'm so happy you came back, Amanda001! I was hoping you might check back to see if anyone responded, and of course, as you see, we did with a fury!
I do so hope you stick around.
Oh, and by the way, it's not obvious, but in order to keep paragraph divisions you may have already had in your post, you need to UNCHECK the "html formatting" box and CHECK the "automatic cr/lf" box. -
I know first hand how JWs treat gays and lesbians. When I came out a girl who had been my best friend growing up asked me how I could leave jehovahs and stopped talking to me forever. Her mother badgered mine at work. Another girl physically threw up when she heard and won't even look at me when she passes me on the streets. Others have said I am not welcome in their homes. I realized the hypocracy quite quickly and tired of the guest speakers who had the gall to state that aids was god's punishment for homosexuals. Welcome to JWD.
Amanda001 stick around here for awhile and you will learn a lot of things about the WJ's that will really help you.
I too know first hand how jw's treat gays when I came out my family and friends totally disowned me and I haven't seen them in years.
I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way, I was genuinely trying to encourage response to your topic. And where did my manners go?!!
Welcome to the board. -
Welcome, Amanda, you won't get any argument from the gays on this board, myself included. When I first came out I lived in an area in which I could be fired from my job for being gay. There were no protections. Although that state has since passed an anti-discrimination law, most other states do not have laws prohibiting discrimination in housing, jobs, etc. for being gay. Anyone that thinks the days of discrimination is wrong.
Gretchen you hit the nail on the head. In my business no one knows I am gay (a guy who runs an auto repair shop and can fix cars) so I have to be real butch out here although I never was nelly at least I don't think I am. lmao