If you could "intelligently design" yourself, what would you change?

by AlmostAtheist 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Complete & conscious mental control of spacetime and be able to order all forms of matter, known and unknown, to suit me. To have my consciousness contain all that exists. All under my complete control if I so desire. To be all knowledge, all information...

    Hmmm... I suppose that would make me God, huh? I'm probably forgetting something...

    Then again, perhaps that would be boring after a time and I'd incarnate myself in the flesh just to play with my creations. Hmm... that would be broing after a time as well. Where would the challenge be?

    Eh, overthinking as usual.

    I guess being Superman would be adequate.

  • parakeet

    Not a thing. I'm quite sure I'd make an even bigger mess of myself than I already am.

  • chappy

    I'd add two more inches.


  • Undecided

    Stop the aging process. Stay young forever.

    Ken P.

  • ColdRedRain

    I'd be more flexible, be around 6'1", 190 lbs of muscle, be flexible as a ballerina and be able to change my skin color like a chameleon. I would also be able to have a solid rib cage made out of lighter elements instead of calcium. I would also be able to have a venomous bite like a snake, and be able to walk on my lower toes like how a cat or a dog walks. I would make our toes be functional again instead of evolutionary relics. We'd be able to climb trees and other objects with our now functional lower limbs.

  • free2beme

    I would design us with teeth that replace themselves about every 5-7 years our entire life. It is so mean that it only happens once, and I hate Dentist, even though I take care of my teeth and get regular checks.

  • smellsgood

    I'd want to have the ability to learn all roughly 5,000 dialects existing today, as well as the ancient tongues.

    The ability to spontaneously appear at the front of all amusement park lines. Like a celebrity does.

    I would like to manipulate my senses, so that say for instance I was forcefed a saltine cracker by an antagonist, It would taste like Godiva Chocolate instead.

    I'd like to defy most of the physics we have pinned down. I'll breathe underwater, thank you and not get crushed by the pressure. Gravity is nice when I want to break dance (which I can now easily learn thanks to superadvanced rapid kinetic intellegicence) in various clubs around the world (which I now get into with my powers of teleportation). Would just think of a city and *poof* I'm there. I could grow, shrink, change appearance at will, transmogrify into something cool like a White Tiger, but only when I'm doing menial tasks amongst the ordinary people for my own amusement. Like ordering a sandwich or getting my nails done. Now smellsgood,,,now a purple octopus.

    The ability to do nothing and get paid for it. Like Paris Hilton.

    And finally, the ability to appear on T.V. when someone who is really getting under my skin is on and say for the millions of other viewers wishing the same thing "please would you be so kind as to never assault my (highly tuned) melodic senses so cruelly ever again Mr. Stapp?" or..Mr. Matthews *ducks the swings*

    There's probably many more. Become irresistably attractive to Johnny Depp? ok

  • Qcmbr

    I'd want the ability to turn off pain. The ability to telepathically communicate including sensations rather than just words. I'd also like to be able to turn off fear and boost my confidence on command without recourse to herbage. Bigger bladder. I'd also like selective depth focusing from micro to telescopic.

  • nsrn

    Funny, my first answer that came to mind was TALLER (I'm 5 ft) and skinnier (I'm #150). Then reading other's answers got me thinking of deeper, more altruistic improvements--ability to heal on touch, wisdom to always say the 'right' thing, maybe a way to peek into the future( i.e. if I make this decision, the results will be...)

    How about a way to have a 'buzz' without any chemical, and turn it on and off at will?

    But TALL and THIN .... WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  • jgnat

    Separate entrances for breathing and eating. Eliminate the choking hazard.

    Two hearts. Brain spread along the spinal cord. Our lack of redundancy for these two organs is a vital weakness in our design.

    Tooth size fits mouth. No more braces.

    Slow down the physical maturation of our young, or speed up their learning, thereby eliminating teenage angst.

    Align sexual maturation for males and females.

    Fine tune the immune system so it doesn't go hysterical over imagined foes. Eliminate over eighty autoimmune diseases.

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