From my inbox
>Subject: being tired?
> The talk was centered on being tired/weary. We are so tired in this day
>and age and the brother mentioned Jeremiah and how after being put in
>stocks for one day he was complaining and cursing the man that announced
>his birth and wishing that he had died in his mom's womb. He was tired.
> Then he asked what comes to mind when you think of Job's wife. Most
>people think of her telling Job to curse god and die. The C.O. asks why
>wasn't she rebuked with the others (the three so-called comforters)? It was
>brought out that Job's wife was tired. More tired that you can imagine.
> Think of this .when the messengers told Job that he had lost all his
>livestock, Job's wife lost hers too .when the messengers told Job that he
>had lost all his land and material goods, Job's wife lost hers too ...when
>the messengers told Job that he had lost all his children, Job's wife lost
>hers too ...think ...the children that you carried for nine months, bonded
>with as you breast-fed each and everyone of them .watched them grow up and
>stand tall and only to lose them all at once violently ...was she tired?
>...Yes!...Then to make matters worse (if they could get any worse), your
>husband mysteriously and suddenly develops huge boils all over his body
>that are open and oozing pus and stink. You watch as the man you love, the
>father of your children cracks a pottery jar and begins to dig and scratch
>himself in order to alleviate some of the pain, but to no avail.
> This man who has been all that to you, who is staying away because his
>breath is so bad that no one can stand it. You are sitting by helpless with
>no explanation for anything. Do you want to continue to see him suffer or
>would you too want him to die? Most of us would want a loved one out of
>his/her misery. So when Job's wife said curse God and die, she wasn't being
>disloyal to Jehovah, she wanted her husband's misery to be over. It was an
>act of love. She was tired!!
> In the end, not only was she not reproved but she was blessed with
>everything that Job received, more children, more wealth and a healthy
> Well, I also wanted to add a comment shared with me concerning Job that
>was very helpful to me.
> There are those times due to our health problems either physical, or
>mental, that we are not doing all that we feel that we should.
> I was crying about it, and she asked me ...did I consider Job a faithful man?
> Of course I said "oh yes!"
> Then she lovingly pointed out, that at one time, all Job could do, was
>sit in the dirt, and scrape his sores. That was his act of worship, proving
>Satan a liar. He did not lose faith. So, next time you are being hard on
>yourself for circumstances beyond your control....remember the account of
> So we can in spite of our circumstances still give a reply even if we
>are just breathing and praying to Jehovah to get through the next minute.
>Whether it is physical or mental distress.
> We can be liked to Job only able to scrape his sores and praying to get
>through this trial yet we are still doing what Jehovah has asked us to do.
>Give him a reply to Satan. This was powerful for me.
> "As the end draws near, you may find the pace may quicken, the road may
>get rougher, the path steeper. But make sure you never tire out, that you
>never quit, that you never become a dropout."
> - Lyman Swingle - June 1, 1989 Watchtower page 22
Didn't the JWs always slam Job's wife for being unfaithful to God ??