I can' thhhhink two good whenn i ham stoned.
Marijuana & Schizophrenia
by ICBehindtheCurtain 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
My son tried lsd when he was 14 and spent 3 months in mental hospital on every type of meds. available-
He was phychotic. He ended up taking lithium for 1 year diagnosed with manic depressive disorder and then he went off his medication completely. Now is 28 and never had another episode.... Doctors say that "drug induced phycosis" was the correct diagnosis.
I remember being told as a teenager in 1980's not to use lsd because of the danger of "freaking out"---- you could become "a vegetable" was the warning. In other words: p eople with any biological predisposition towards mental illness are at highest risk- when street drugs are used, and this has been known for many many years.
In BC Canada -indoor grow operations have become an enormous and lucrative illicit industry, producing a potent form of marijuana that has come to be commonly known as BC Bud. Canadian officials estimate that cannabis cultivation in British Columbia is a six billion-dollar annual industry. Growers produce cannabis plants with powerful buds, using sophisticated hydroponic cultivation techniques. While the term BC Bud literally refers to the bud of the female cannabis plant grown in British Columbia, the term has become synonymous in the popular media for high-potency BC-grown marijuana.
I have had type 1 diabetes for 40 years and yearly I visit my eye doctor to be told that my eyes are perfect- the specialist cannot tell I have diabetes when looking in my eyes and that amazes him- he cannot even find a micro anerism which is common in normal eyes.......................
BC Bud has many health benifits for myself.
The pro-mj movement is a lot more vocal than the healthcare community on this issue, so it gives society a very skewed idea. Public health officials should be ashamed of their silence.
Public health officials are silent because they are taking hoots off of the bong too...