JWs in North Korea?

by M.J. 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Half the earth, 3 billion people have never heard of Jehovah. It will be a long time before the end.

    Think of this.

    • 1032 JWs out of 145 million people in pakistan
    • A few thousand witnesses out of over 1 billion people in China.
    • 25000 JWs in 1.3 billion Indians.
    • 18,000 JWs in 219,000,000 Indonesians

    Does anyone think the preaching work is nearly completed by the WTS?

  • TheOldHippie

    And added to that comes the fact, that the JWs in China, India, Indonesia and Moslem countries close to ONLY witness to members of "Christian" denominations. In India, the path of congregations follow the railroad lines, as the railroad workers were the ones witnessed to, they were mainly "Christian" because of contact with the British.

    Growing up in Remotestan gives you a rather small chance .................

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