Evidently, through the strange alchemy of WT theology, the "Us" in vss 19 - 23 applies only to the 144k, but in vs 24, it transmutes into everyone in the WTS, and then re-settles back to the "anointed" in vs26 and following. Yeah, right.
All are good responses.
This is one of those left over tentacles that drift away and Ex-Witnesses are left dealing with. My sister who goes to one or two meetings a month as it suits her, commented to my brother when he asked her why she has cut me off completely. Her response was that I had "forsaken the gathering".
It never ceases to amaze me now or when I was in the JW's how verses like this were always so relative, creating a pecking order of levels of regular meeting attenders and then stepping down from there because of personal justification (from perfume allergies to fibromialgia). Someone who is at practically all the meetings looks down on everyone else, and then someone who only attends the memorial is down on those who miss that or that never go.
It is like the WT said a number of years ago, "The Jehovah's Witnesses are a classless Society". So true! So lacking in class of any kind. LOL
Also the Greek word Paul used there is informal. Looking at the context of his letter, which was trying to prove that Christians were freed from the rituals and trappings of formal worship like the Jewish Christians had left behind, shows that JW's and other religions who use it to guilt people into attendance at meetings is gross misrepresentation.
To think that the newly formed Christian community that lacked formal meeting places anyway when this was written, is being cajoled into regular ritualistic attendance for worship is ridiculous.
Most of the early Christians were isolated without public transportation and slaves who had no freedom to leave when they wished to go to meetings.
All Paul was saying is "you're free" but do not isolate yourselves and misuse your freedom. Encourage each other WHEN YOU CAN!
My two cents