The jw I last spoke to, I asked to explain the "trumpet blasts" mentioned in Revelation. The jw with the help of the Climax! book had trouble explaining it and as expected said we must trust the FDS. So I replied that we criticise other people for blindly following their religious leadership without reasoning from the scriptures (Acts 17:11; 2 Tim 3:16 –Oh, it is good to read scriptures to them, somehow they don’t like it, since they are the shepherds, not you!).
From there I went to recent changes, the "new light" regarding voting, blood, the generation and ask why the change, when the scriptures have not changed. If the old light is no longer right then it is wrong and was not the truth. That means none of us were in the truth until we got the proper truth! I told him that this is causing me confusion and when he does more research on the trumpet blast I’ll be happy to get some encouragement. Haven’t heard anything since…
They will definitely want to discuss Heb. 11:24, 25 and there are some good points here…
I think it is ok to speak to the elders and plant some seeds, but it might also get the ball rolling in getting you out.