I saw a related thread around here but can't locate it so I'm posting this personal observation on what I would call a "high-profile" couple. Rich and bright I met them at the KH
It starts about three years ago when a family moved to our area; a couple and their child. The wife was a DFed Dub who was making inroads to re-instate and hubby was a study of one of the Elders.
After the string of hurricanes here, hubby was seen on more roofs than any "real" Dub. Even though she couldn't talk to anyone the wife was always around with home-cooked food and drinks.
The hubby became an unbaptized Publisher and the wife was re-instated. Both were frequently in-service. The brothers were frequently invited to BBQs at their house, for swimming or just to hang out. By frequently I mean EVERY week-end.
I never saw the couple at any other JW function because they were never invited (I asked the man and he confirmed) despite holding open house every week. The husband and child began missing meetings and eventually it was announced that he was no longer a publisher. The wife is still in good standing
One of the Dubs( a regular at their pool parties) was married last week and EVERYONE (I mean every publisher) in the congo received a personal invitation by mail two weeks beforehand or through a book study announcement.
There was no announcement made at the sister's study (I asked the reader), and she did not receive an invite (I asked the hubby.) Curiously enough he told me the reason he stopped going was that he found the congo to be very conditional in its friendship and is trying to convince the wife to leave. He won't let her take the kid to meetings, but refuses to cut off the pool parties as that would be "petty."
I already asked the congo PO why this happened since it really blew me away. I mean the Dubs suck but this was just too much.