Can you function w/o your cell phone?

by unbeliever 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    I rarely use my cell phone. My husband has to remind me to keep it charged. Matter of fact, he keeps it charged. He makes me take it with me whenever I leave the house. I have the cheapest phone. I don't care for all of the gadgets. But, my daughter she wants the latest phone or closest that she can get. She wants a Razor and my husband wants a Blackberry. I don't think he needs a Blackberry cause he doesn't plan on doing that much! My daughter text messages like there's no tomorrow! She suffers from withdrawal symptoms without her phone.

  • hambeak

    I too have a cell phone have had for years. I feel somewhat naked if I forget it at home or the office. However I firmly believe cell phone etiquette needs to be in place ie: not while driveing, not in a restaurant, the crapper, and you certainly don't need to yell and force others to listen to your conversation. I am not saying you do this I am just making a general statement

  • Mulan

    I don't get many calls on my cell, but am very panicked if I forget it at home on the charger. I would hate to be stuck with a broken down car, or out of gas, etc., and no phone to call for help.

  • Simon

    It's strange isn't it. We used to go all over and never worried that we couldn't instantly call someone and yet now, if we forget our phone it's some "emergency".

    Personally, I hardly use mine for phoning people (I hate phones). I send a few texts to 'er indoors but other than that it's just mobile email and GPS navigation !

  • ballistic

    Re: Can you function w/o your cell phone? : err, yes

    I only use it to contact my g/f so if she is here I don't even take it out or know where it is for that matter.

  • VM44

    I don't have a cell phone!


  • ballistic

    Just to add I went out with a couple of mates who spent the whole night texting and bluetoothing the bar we were in sending pictures to the screens. I thought it was totally anti-social. When I brought this to their attention, they said it was me that was resistant to change. People will excuse their behaviour in any way possible.

  • insearchoftruth

    I carry a cell phone, but really probably use it once or twice a week, outside of long distance calls to my parents because we have unlimited nights/weekends. It is a wonderful tool when traveling or for an emergency, but there are so many people who are plain RUDE using a phone on a day to day basis, taking calls in the midst of face to face conversations, while checking out in a store and driving. I must applaud a store in Seattle where the cashier had a sign that said something to the effect "when you get off of your phone I will wait on you", and she lived by that statement.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    It's strange isn't it. We used to go all over and never worried that we couldn't instantly call someone and yet now, if we forget our phone it's some "emergency".

    Actually, before cells phones I was afraid to go some areas that I now don't hesitate to go into now. Not that I want to go into questionable areas, my work demands it. I'm in sales.

    Today, my phone started ringing as I sat with a client at their place of business. I simply turned the phone off and apologized. I can check my voice mail later. Most of my calls are business related.

    I'm amazed at how many people I know don't even have a land phone. Cell phones make sense because you can use them at home or away from home. You can get unlimited long distance for a very reasonable rate, often saving money over using a land phone for long distance. The time may come in the not too distant future that land phones will be a thing of the past. No more phone lines.

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