Finding My Father (help)

by purplesofa 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Thanks to everyone that sent links to search for my father.

    I have found a man with the same name, born in the same month and year, in a town next to where we lived the last I saw him. There is an address and phone number connected with the name. He is in Florida.

    The telephone number gives the name of the company the phone is listed with.

    I can find the address on mapquest but do now know if this is a number for a business or residence.

    This may be nothing but the coincidence is to great to let it go.

    Anyone know how I can research this farther without cold calling?


  • OnTheWayOut

    The obvious thing to do besides calling is to google the number and the address to see if anything comes up.

  • purplesofa

    ok ......when i google the phone number it belongs to another person, that is actually on the next street over from the original address I have.

    Possibly, the information is not current with my (alleged) fathers name connected to the phone number.

    I googled the address and it is a business.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Google isn't always right, it was just a try to see if it all came up to the same business. Now, try yellowpages type search for the business to see if it truly is at that address.

    I would simply call the number, blocking my own or from a payphone, see who answers, say you are looking for the named person- tell the truth. If you aren't ready for the truth, be ready to hang up. If you want to just use the truth, plan what you want to ask before calling.

  • purplesofa

    well now i have found another business at that address

    i found the business for that address under occupational addresses for that county. done 11/1/2001

    not owned by him. So his name may be connected to that address from long time ago.

  • purplesofa

    ok, what i think i need to do is get a history of the businesses and owners at that address.

    anyone know how I would go about getting that information?

  • restrangled


    In the state of Florida we have a very open record system with the Clerk of the court and also will show you who is the owner of a business and also sometimes give their home address.

    For the Clerk of the court go to google and type in the county and then clerk of the court such as (Seminole county clerk of the court) When you get to the main page pick record search. Follow the prompts and type in the last name you are looking for. You may pull up many entries. Open each one and then you can open the document such as mortgages, bankruptcies, etc. It is quite revealing. They also show marriages and divorces, but those documents you cannot open up.

    Also you can go to a site called the prompts for searching name of a corporation or business. follow prompts and you can get more info that way.

    PM me if you need more help with these sites.


  • purplesofa

    i am working on it restrangled. I did find something interesting.

    a document with a signature that for some reason I recognize the handwriting.......I don't know why it would look familiar to me as I was young when my mom and dad split up

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Purps, I checked out the following website (using my own name and DOB) and it will give you all correct current and past info on your father. Hope it helps. This is how my son's boss found us for my son and we've been reunited after 16 yrs. :)

    Date-of-Birth People Search

    Find people instantly. Free to search our database.
  • purplesofa


    i found his name on public records now site.........I know it has to be him as it is the very city we lived in before moving away. Its a very small city, there cant be that many people there esp with the same name. my heart is thumping.

    i cannot get the date of birth people search to work

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