Thanks for that LBP, the list shows just how much of a man - made religion jwism is.
Holiday Pagan Chart of JW's
by Little Bo Peep 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Illustration: Suppose a crowd come to a gentleman’s home saying they are there to celebrate his birthday. He does not favor the celebration of birthdays. He does not like to see people overeat or get drunk or engage in loose conduct. But some of them do all those things, and they bring presents for everyone there except him! On top of all that, they pick the birthday of one of the man’s enemies as the date for the celebration. How would the man feel? Would you want to be a party to it? This is exactly what is being done by Christmas celebrations.
this is the illustration used in the reasoning book regarding the same reasoning there should be hardly any weddings.
I remember that one tijkmo!
It actually really appealed to me as clear reasoning that ANYONE would have to agree with...