What do you do when Dubs show up?

by BritBoy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • BritBoy

    What do you do when the dubs show up on your doorstep? I have an arsenal of options depending on the person. I keep all my old copies of Gay Times and Attitude (Gay Mag) and I do a swap... I use the "I'll read about your lifestyle if you read about mine!" And I am quite insistent that they take it! Then snicker to myself as I see a couple of Dubs stumbling down my steep drive desperately trying to shove the Gay "porn" into their bags out of sight frantically trying to get as far away from the house as possible to dump it in the nearest bin.

    My other one is to tell them that I would dearly love to read their magazines, BUT as they don't feature a "Torso of the Week" or "Spotted" section I couldn't possibly!

    How about you? What's your method of dealing with dubs?

  • Elsewhere

    I ignore them. Engaging them tends to turn on their "persecution" response and few things will so powerfully galvanize a group as real or perceived persecution.

    Ever time they knock on a door and no one answers they get a bit more depressed and discouraged. I say let nature take its course.

  • codeblue

    I don't answer my door. Only invited guests are allowed in my home.

  • unbeliever

    In the past when I lived in my home state they tended to avoid my house. On the off chance they did come by I would tell them I could get any literature I wanted from my mom. If they were pushy well the gloves came off and I would tell them what I thought of their history and treatment of the df'd. I live in a new state now and if they come by I have decided to act interested. When they come with the new tract I will say that I am disguisted with religion and wonder what the future holds. I will be starting an extended maternity leave soon and this should give me something to do. Hopefully I can get a bible study started and plant some doubts along the way.

  • greendawn

    I just let them know that I am not interested whether they come to my home or meet me at the park or street. Whatever they say I know the nice front that covers the deception and heartlessness.

  • katiekitten
    I use the "I'll read about your lifestyle if you read about mine!" And I am quite insistent that they take it! Then snicker to myself as I see a couple of Dubs stumbling down my steep drive desperately trying to shove the Gay "porn" into their bags

    LMAO - that is seriously funny. Ive got a couple of SkinToo mags in my bedroom. Must try that one.

    If one ever came round id run upstairs and hide! But they never do.

  • Gadget
    What do you do when the dubs show up on your doorstep?

    I invite them in, make a fresh pot of coffee, and settle down for a chat.


  • Qcmbr

    Get ready to rumble. To be honest I enjoy the workout because few people other than on chat forums care about discussing deep and meaningful stuff anyway.

  • Clam

    I have a visit from the Dubs about once every 3 months, and strangely there are three different groups of two. I think the organisation at the local KH must be poor.

    I happily engage in conversation with them, normally going down the blood route. They also know I'm a spiritualist and they sit in my office near books like Crisis of Conscience and Twisted Scriptures. Why they keep coming back Jehovah only knows. Maybe the demons persaude them to visit me.

    The one time I did upset one of the sisters, was when I told her that I felt that the Watchtower got in the way of her having a relationship with her creator. She was an elderette type and was really put out by that remark. I quite look forward to their visits and they obviously don't know I used to be in the JW cult myself.

  • luna2

    I don't answer the door if I can help it. I sometimes think about it but, really, because they'd have to stand on the stairs, I'd feel almost obligated to let them in...which I don't want to do. I also don't really want to debate with them. I belonged to their club, I remember their schtick quite well and know the mindset they are operating under. I get this sinking feeling of utter pointlessness when I think about pointing out the glaringly obvious (to me) bulls#*t that is their religion.

    When they catch me at work, I try to shut them down because, frankly, I don't want to get into any long, drawn out religious discussions when I'm supposed to be working. I'm also more than a little embarassed that I was once a JW and don't want people to know that I was such a fool.

    The couple of times that one has phoned or managed to catch me in my driveway before I could back out, I have talked to them. I answer their questions as honestly as I can but I truly don't think they hear a word I say since its not "Ooo, when can we start up a Bible study, eh? I'm ready to return to the discipline and mental regulating of Jehovah now."

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