Tactless Dubs

by LovesDubs 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LovesDubs

    Is it me or do Dubs have NO CLUE how to be tactful and pretty much just spew whatever is on their minds?? I used to work out of my home, doing medical transcription, with a newborn next to me and two in school. The car groups used to stop at my house unannounced to use the bathroom and would wander around my house examining my stuff and my cleaning job. One said, after using my facilities, "So why arent you out in service? Is money more important to you than serving Jehovah? You are at home..there is no excuse why you arent out there with us." I about died...wanted to kill her too!

    Then I used to have the book study at my house and each week I would clean the house, set up the 20 chairs, make sure the walk was clear of ice and the driveway (or TWO neighbor's driveways...because we werent allowed to park on the street in snow) were clear for the "friends" and I would serve coffee and cookies afterwards. A tradition I had brought with me from my prior congregation. Some kind people would bring the snacks now and again. One week a sister slid a box of Snackwells across the table to me...the low cal kind....and said "So you did this at your other congregation? Were they all heavy too?" And she LEFT THE HOUSE...didnt even have any. I was so embarrassed!

    Did this stuff happen to you guys?

  • Kudra


    Having the special knowledge that you and your people alone are favored by the supreme creator of the universe tends to make you a bit... superior. This belief spills over into all aspects of their lives- making them tactless at EVERYTHING. I know because I acted in this exact same manner unfortunately...

    I don't have any groovy stories off the top of my head but can totally relate to the scenarios you describe.

    Your stories, however, make me wonder about your handle, "lovesdubs"...

    in jest? sarcastic...?


  • cathyk

    I dunno ... sounds like average, everyday cluelessness to me. I know people who make comments just like that who have never been JWs ... they're just plain rude.



  • MinisterAmos

    You need to remember that these are the same people who needed to be reminded before EVERY assembly to only use three squares of toilet paper (or was that to leave a tip when they were dressed in their JW uniforms?)

    Not the brightest bunch, not the best mannered but constantly told they are "better" than every one else produces a kind of rap-star mentality but with no violence.

  • BabaYaga


    There's one (or, sometimes several) in every crowd, so they say... but the ones you spoke of need... SOMETHING. Seratonin? Manners? To be tarred and feathered? Who knows what would help. Those comments were NASTY.

  • mama1119

    They think they have every right to say anything they want and nto be considered rude. They take liberties in the name of god.

  • Scully

    Yeah, rude comments were the order of the day in our old congregation too.

    A lot of the Sisters™ were experts in the art of delivering backhanded compliments, in the same league as Marie Barone (the grandmother from Everybody Loves Raymond), always delivering their "caring" "suggestions" with that syrupy sweet voice that was the perfect blend of innocence and venom.

    It's near the top of my Things-I-Don't-Miss-Now-That-I'm-Not-A-JW-Anymore list.

  • calico

    When I was pregnant, I started wearing maternity clothes early. I was more comfortable. Talk about some nasty sisters. Quite a few had to point out to me that they did not HAVE to wear maternity clothes 'till they were 6 or 7 months along. Lovedubs--I think you may know a few of these sisters. One had a lot of money and a disabled son. They seemed to be hung up on weight issues.

  • JWdaughter

    Oh, come on people, these are the same folks that come to your door on the weekends, waking you up, lie and tell you they are just asking their neighbors questions-and then put down your religious beliefs, attack the lifestyles and religion of others and lie and say they are interested in seeing if you would like a 'Bible' study. These are people who go on record in newspapers saying they 'aren't trying to change anyones religion, they just want to share truths from the Bible". Tactless YES, but what can one expect? These are people that will turn their backs on their children or parents if they decide not to follow the religious organization. . .Tactlessness is the least of the issues!

  • LovesDubs

    I did notice like immediately upon starting to hang out wiht the Dubs that they pretty much said whatever came to mind. I never bought into that personally. It was one of those "She's the biggest husband stealin, white trailer trash whore I ever had to meet...bless her heart."

    As for my moniker...LovesDubs...I do. Half my family are dubs and I dont hate them for what they are forced to do in the name of Jehoover. You guys were all dubs...as was I and we know better now and we do better now based on what we finally opened our eyes to. Its like being mad at a retarded child. (Until that child gets uppity and then all bets are off :)

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