I have several ways of stating and demonstrating what is essentially the same point...
1. JWs often deflected the question, "what is the purpose of life?", by stating that our purpose it is to serve the Creator... but, what is the purpose of the Creator himself? Must we not apply the same criteria to the Creator as we do to ourselves? If the Creators purpose is to just BE, why can our purpose not be to just BE?
2. In the AuldSoul / AlanF thread it had been mentioned that we humans manifest the earmarks of being designed... does, therefore, our intelligence constitute such an earmark? If so, does not the Creator himself, as an intelligentbeing, manifest the characteristics or earmarks of a designed being?... or is this blasphemy? Why then does the Creator escape such close analysis?
If our designed minds are contained within a designed bodies, is God's mind contained in a "body" of sorts? (a) If not, are we not then more complex than Him, with a body? (b) If so, does this cosmic body have functions, and do those functions require a Designer... or did He design himself??
3. What stops us imperfect beings from being the be-all and end-all of the cosmic question?... just as the Creator just"IS" (without need of being created), why can we not also just "BE" (in the same sence of not needing a Creator)?... Why is it not blasphemy to say that the human race as a whole is designed, yet a blasphemy to say that the Creator is not eternal?...
4. In the WTS's Creation book, it states in the box on page 112, that "life comes only from life, originally created by an intelligent Creator"... but is not the Creator himself a form of life? If the Creator's origins are unknown, it does not solve anything at all.
Instead of saying that the life of the Creator was the source, we might as well say that life on earth was the source. Why not stop at what we can see and measure (which is what science is, observations and measurements) instead of positing the existence of a whole arbitrary cosmic drama, which we cannot see and cannot prove? If we do chose to accept the existence of that drama, and of that being, is it a taboo to ask questions such as: "How long and where did this Designer exist?"..."How can you prove he exists eternally?", "Does he live outside of the space-time continuum?", "Did he come into existence by a form of cosmic evolution or did he just pop into existence in a 'big-bang'?", "If he just popped into existence, what stops us from having popped into existence?"
TopHatsaid:If a first living cell had formed without a Creator, the cell would still have had to replace each of its proteins as soon as it wore out. If the cell did not contain the information to correctly turn on and off the production of the replacement proteins, the cell would have died as soon as the first essential protein wore out. This is evidence that there is a Creator who knows how to turn protein production on and off! The proteins that make up cells will not form anywhere in nature except in already living cells. One reason cells can make them is because the directions for making them and for turning their production on and off are already present in the cell’s library of information called DNA. Once made, proteins could not function unless they were properly folded and addressed. Neither making proteins, folding, addressing, nor regulating their production could invent itself, yet no cell could live unless all were in place working together. These brilliant solutions are scientific facts and constitute evidence for a very intelligent Creator who plans ahead.
If these proteins required a designer, as relatively simple as they are, why does the Creator himself, assumedly an infinitely complex being escape this path of logic? Does being unable to explain something, automatically mean that there is a Creator who "knows" how and why it works? or that there is a Creator who put it into action?
I hope this has allowed peple to see that complexity doesn't need a designer. and that the designer himself must already be sufficiantly complex enough to be even able to design. Therefore this complexity again needs a designer... a vicious circle that must be stopped somewhere...
If anyone has any intelligent answers to some of the points, please post.