The Dragon
I have recently came to the conclusion that "religion" in general is nothing more than self exalted leaders "guesses" into an unknown subject...that they try to sell and term as "religion". With no good or valid argument to discredit this line of thinking...I stand behind it.
It seems religion stemmed from attempts by humans to explain their existence and the environment around them.
The evolution of the human mind resulted in a pyschology that allowed certain of the ideas developed in trying to explain the environment and existence to take a deep root in human society. Our evolutionary ancestors were more likely to survive if they were capable of forming strong social groups with common values. These same traits proved to be fertile ground for religious thought.
Even after religious stories of origin no longer 'answer' questions but actually (due to their primative simplicity) create questions, and after there are perfectly good non-faith based theories regarding our existence and the environment, the same stories made by bronze-age goatherds are seen as real by many as the ability in humans to hold beliefs regardless of their reality so profound.
But how would God feel about that? (Without starting a new religion/guess about it)
God is one of the above mentioned primative attempts to explain the environment and existence. There might be entities as part of this iteration of an utterly naturalistic Universe as we are we would term 'god' in some way, but not old blokey with a beard and a bad/good book. Likewise, there might be some transcendent quality of intelligent life en mass that has certain gold-like characteristics. But again, not blokey with beard and good/bad book.
One can't disprove god, just be fairly certain about which ideas of god are utter poppy-cock as opposed to un-refuted hypothoising
One can be fairly certain that ALL religons are just melanges of personal opinion collected over the life-time of the religion and asociated ancestor-traditions, presented as a cohesive whole. The more dogmatic a religious person is the more they are worshipping their own opinion.
Funnily enough, both Jesus and Mohammed were very down on the creation of rules beyond what they gave (which they saw as given by god) and term them either 'hypocrites' or 'idolators'.
Thus even the origins (historic or otherwise) of major religions see that religious scruple is mopstly personal opinion