I could never get my safety pin to open those stupid boxes on the wall... Otherwise, I would have made a shit load of money... Oh wait... This is that contribute thread... Oops...Sorry.. Wrong reply...
How Much $$$ Did You Contribute To The Organization?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Think about it..... I bet MOST Witnesses do NOT contribute $$$ or much at all to the cause. You know what that really means, right??
I never gave a whole lot, it probably averaged $25 a month spread across all the various funds. I was in for 20 years, so: 20 * 12 = 240 months * $25 = $6,000
So if the mags cost a nickel to produce, I paid for the production of 120,000 of them.
You're right, they don't miss me financially! (And I don't miss them, the $25/month means quite a bit to me!)
One time I think I dropped something in the box. I think it was the saftey pin I was using though...
Greetings Min,
Usually about 20 bucks hit or miss, and never with any type of regularity. But always gave the last 4 or 5 CO's the green $100.00 handshake everytime I'd be privileged with their presence, before saying screw the watchtower and all its nonsense.
I know of some elders that regularly gave about $500 per month towards the Kingdom Hall and other Watchtower Society interests....And you????
You are kidding right?
In the 7 years I was the account servant, I rarely if ever received any donations from elders. It was saps like my wife and I who donated regularly and all the old sisters of course.
We had one 29 year old elder guy who used to boast of making $200,000/year plus. One year he donated $1000 at tax time only because I told him one night at dinner that it was an excellent way to get a tax write off. That was the last time i saw anything come in from him.
I wish there was a way I could get every penny back. Not that I need the money, but so I could give it all to breast cancer, Unicef or some other worthy charity that actually does something.
Myself not a penny. My parents, probably $100.00 a month for the local KH, and I think a lot more at assemblies, green handshakes, and special pioneers. In addition, as most of you know, recently $200,000.00.
During the 1980's pre Savings and Loan default crash depression (hit 89-91) i made a LOT of money in the high paying Union construction trades and regularly donated a crisp $1,000 a month to the WWF for frigging YEARS.
All this time i drove a shitbox car for myself.
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=dannyhaszard read here they trashed my cash - Danny Haszard
TOO MUCH!! Not just money, but my life when I could have done so many more interesting things, but we always put the Org. first.
Just have to enjoy the short time I have left!