
by Butters 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butters

    Hello Everyone! Butters here,

    Just wanted to ask a few questions about free thinkers. How many of you feel you are truly a free thinker, not involved in some sort of group that has capes and drapes, or a "label"? I want to see how many besides myself and Skyking are free of allowing others to decide our thoughts about certain events and situations.

    Many people these days seem to want to be part of some sort of large group of others that all think and act the same way. I find it quite odd that many people who were once JW's can still attract themselves back into a herd that is being led by the masses. At the same time, I find it quite probable as well, seeing that at one time, we were all once sorely misled.

    Why do we trust our media? Why do we allow ourselves to be programmed by others? IS true free thought really allowed by this world? I know I have broken free of all control from others entirely. I know that I have become cumbersome to this world's social, political and economis ideas. I simply cannot function in this world "successfully" according to it's majority standards. I am too different to make it anymore. I am finding this out the more and more intelligent I become and the more adapt I am becoming to "their" ways.

    I really don't think like most others. That is obvious. I am definitely not patriotic. I hate living in the U.S. for sure! Many red neckish types will say instantly and without considering my finanical situation, "Well why don't you leave it ya commie bastard" or something loving to that effect... I simply cannot is the answer, and I appreciate any donations any of you may have to fund my one way ticket to Amsterdamn.

    Any thoughts fellow sheeple and ex-sheeple?


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Butters,
    I have a delima...
    If I agree with everything that you said.... does that mean I'm a "free-thinker" too?

  • Mystla

    I had to ask my hubby if he was sneaking in here and posting as butters :) You sound just like him.

    I was a JW for the first 27 years of my life and have been free of the shackles of any organisation since then (except the company I worked for, and I quit them a few months ago)

    I don't care if it's religion, politics or corporate, all big orgs have propaganda and BS that they sell to the sheeple (we call em muggles) Anyone who buys their crap is letting themselves be told how to think. If you listen carefully and put everything through a BS filter you can occasionally hear some facts. But don't be to sure....

    My hubby spent 6 months in Gothenburg, Sweden several years ago. He says everyplace has it's problems, but he would sure like to go back. Maybe someday.

    And thanks for saying US instead of America. I get really sick of people equating the two. There are some Beautiful countries in America (yes, they have their probs, too) It cracks me up when someone is being all patriotic and going on about how wonderful it is to be an AMERICAN! I feel like asking which American country they are from... Panama? (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

    Anyway..... yes, I agree that not enough people think for themselves. I do think that the majority on this board had to of thought for themselves at least once, or they would still be in the Org.


  • jaguarbass

    I hear you, Butters.

  • freetosee
  • jgnat
    I want to see how many besides myself and Skyking are free of allowing others to decide our thoughts about certain events and situations.

    Well, that cuts it for the gregarious ones, doesn't it? Sheeple. Huh. And I thought I was just being nice.

    Careful about your self - assessment there, Butters. Soon as you claim full independence, I can prove a dozen ways you are interdependent with the community around you.

  • Seeker4

    Butters wrote: I am too different to make it anymore. I am finding this out the more and more intelligent I become and the more adapt I am becoming to "their" ways.

    If those two sentences are indicative of how "more and more intelligent" you've become, I'd start worrying. The second one in particular makes no sense. Perhaps you meant to use some other words? "I become more and more adapt" is gibberish, not a good sign when you're talking about how smart you are.

    I'm pretty disgusted with the government in the US right now, but I love living in this country. And if you can't trust any media, how do you have any knowledge of anything? Do you go and just investigate it all yourself? Who has the time or the resources for that? You have to look to a variety of sources for information, on several sides of an issue, and judge and weigh what you hear as to whether it's reasonable. To simply reject information from all media sources seems to me less like being a free-thinker and more like being a non-thinker.

    Also, I don't see the acceptance of unreasonable, far-fetched, extreme conspiracy theories (ie: your fellow "free-thinker" skyking and the WTC attack) as evidence of a skeptical and free-thinking mind. Quite the opposite, really. Don't confuse being contrary with being smarter than other people.

    Just a few thoughts. There are some true free-thinkers and skeptics out there, and I admire them greatly.


  • Robdar

    Naw, you're not a commie bastard. You might be some other sort of bastard but definitely not a commie.

    You really are brilliant and way more advanced than the rest of us (No really, I mean that, I really really do). I hate to see you go but don't let the door hit ya.....

  • parakeet

    Butters: "I simply cannot function in this world "successfully" according to it's majority standards.....I am finding this out the more and more intelligent I become and the more adapt I am becoming to 'their' ways.....Any thoughts fellow sheeple and ex-sheeple?

    What's the view like up there, Butters, on top of that lofty peak of intelligence where you reside, looking down on all the unwashed sheeple? It must be simply wonderful to be you.

  • BizzyBee

    Sheeple? Hmmmmm.........are you dissing the rest of us? If so, I, for one, suggest that you take a different tack than insulting PEOPLE who are, in many (most) instances, your intellectual superiors.

    I notice, too, butters, that though I was inclined to be your cheerleader in the beginning (as I tend to be with newcomers), that your abrasive, hostile and condescending attitude has given me pause. Please get that you are a small, greasy pat to be spread on a roll, not the Supreme Being and we all will get along fine.

    P.S. Don't smoke and post.

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