..Your still an Idiot..

by OUTLAW 34 Replies latest jw friends


    Theres plenty of room to pee in the wilderness..Theres plenty of animals to eat you,while your peeing in the wilderness..A Rattle snake could sneek up on you and bite your ass..Theres no end of fun in the wilderness..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • BizzyBee
    Theres plenty of room to pee in the wilderness..Theres plenty of animals to eat you,while your peeing in the wilderness..A Rattle snake could sneek up on you and bite your ass..

    See what I mean?...............unpleasantness..............can you imagine having to suck the rattesnake venom out of a JW ass?


    Theres 2 Jehovahs Witness`s going from door to door in the wilderness..One stops to take a poop in the bush..A rattle snake bites his ass..He screams to the other one for help..The other JW dosen`t know how to help the injured one..He jumps in the car and drives to town,to talk to the local doctor..The doctor tells him he has to cut the bitten skin with a knife and suck the poison out..The JW says to the doctor "What happens to my friend if I don`t suck the poison out?"..The doctor say`s"If you don`t suck the poison out your friend will die!"..The JW jumps back in the car and go`s back to his wounded friend in the wilderness..The wounded JW asks his friend "So what did the doctor say?"..His friend repleys"The doctor says your gonna die."..LOL!!...OUTLAW


    Avengers..From Seattle?..Depends on how much punishment your willing to take..Thats a long ride with no breaks..If you want to be nice to yourself,2days...OUTLAW

  • avengers
    Avengers..From Seattle?..Depends on how much punishment your willing to take..Thats a long ride with no breaks..If you want to be nice to yourself,2days...OUTLAW

    I bet you do some good fishing outthere. 2 days to come and see the famous Outlaw and have a beer with. Who knows? Don't count on it though 'cause I'd have to be gone for more than a week.
    Just curious as to how far in the wilderness you live. Sounds good. Andy

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