Yeah, Butters, but how do you really feel?
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT...........................
by enlightenedcynic 18 Replies latest jw friends
I understand the dynamics and politics at play here but I still can't believe that most dubs don't see the blatant hypocrisy taking place!
Some can. My Dub sister actually made the comment that "the funerals are too preachy" several months ago.......'worldly people' are absolutely agast and dumbfounded at the Witness funerals. Certainly not a good way to recruit anybody.
Yea, let me get this straight, father served his a$$ off for many years as an elder and died quietly without a funeral. He had left after the 75 debacle, after spending years volunteering his vacation time. Plenty of money was wrung out of his hide throught the years, including a ridiculous chunk after he died.(200K) He paid for my mom's 4 door cars for service and while he was still sick put together a beautiful room for the Tuesday night book study. He personally ground down the cement floor to make it level and laid a hard wood herringbone floor. Installed double pained windows, halogen lighting, and made sure it was air conditioned and heated. The decorating and furniture was perfect.
In addition, there was a beautiful lighted walk way he installed to get to this room which held 25 to 30 people.
He died without a funeral or thanks from anyone in this sickening, self serving cult.
Delilah and Everyone Else Who Responded Here:
I totally understand everyone's views. As mine are similar, I won't go into them. However, Delilah, be it known to you that at funeral or memorial services, you are nor prohibited from standing up (at the appropriate moment, like just before the concluding prayer), and saying something like: "Excuse me, thank you brother for your kind words, but I'd also like to say something to all gathered here in remembrance of my grandmother (or whomever the deceased may be)." And just continuing walking up to the lectern, say excuse me to the astonished brother standing before you, and get behind the lectern, and speak your piece. And at the end of your piece, you might ask if anyone else present might like to say a few words. Remember, this is not a Society function. It's a funeral for a relative of yours!!! Where ALL can speak if they wish it. It just happens to be in a Kingdom Hall. And if the service held is NOT IN A KINGDOM HALL--then all the more power to you!
Just my two-cents.
Good observation, EnlightenedCynic.
Yes, birthdays and organized sports are wrong because they place undue attention onto a human.
Yeah, right!
Don't be jealous cuz you didn't get one of the 144,000 one-way tickets on the Watchtower's Rapture Express.
I just read an article about a young JW who is deaf and who is the star volleyball player on her team. The article was mostly about the line she walked being a faithful JW and a star on her team. . .since a big part of her religion is to make sure that she doesn't get a big head. Don't want to set one person above another, etc. But the GB guy gets an article in WT publications. She can't be 'big' for a couple of years on a high school team! God knows HS glories are usually minor and short lived. Let the kids have their glory days. Let our parents have people remembering THEM. This religion is sick on so many levels. I really loath it.
yes and also remember that the droids will read anything that is FAITH STRENGHTHENING... a GB member dying "faithfully" will have that effect.
butters is a fence sitter
LOL! Yes, most of us have been through this BS (the pseudo eulogies) and took it. It is the final sad comment on a life devoted to the ruling class at Brooklyn, most of whom are not even really known to us.