This morning while I was waiting in line to get a cup of coffee a gentleman in a suit approched the counter and gave the girl behind the counter the new tract and said that he is taking part in a world wide distribution of an important message then handed the tract to the lady and walked away. The girl looked puzzled and promptly put the tract in the garbage can without even looking at it. The JW got in his car and took off down the road toward the interstate.
Two obervations. To me it looked like the JW wanted to get his time started since it was 7:30 AM. He was probably going some where and needed some time. He did not offer the tract to the other customers just the girl behind the counter. If the message is so darn important why did he not talk to the other customers? It was like a hit an run. Just punching in the time clock.
The other observation I would really hate to think that God judged this woman as being a "goat" because she did not take the time while she was working to study the important message and realize that only JW's must be the true religion. To me the JW would have more blood guilt since he did not bother with the golden opportunity to talk to the other customers while they were sitting down and would not walk away or close the door on him.
This really is too bad and too sad.