A surprise at McDonald's

by TooBad TooSad 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    This morning while I was waiting in line to get a cup of coffee a gentleman in a suit approched the counter and gave the girl behind the counter the new tract and said that he is taking part in a world wide distribution of an important message then handed the tract to the lady and walked away. The girl looked puzzled and promptly put the tract in the garbage can without even looking at it. The JW got in his car and took off down the road toward the interstate.

    Two obervations. To me it looked like the JW wanted to get his time started since it was 7:30 AM. He was probably going some where and needed some time. He did not offer the tract to the other customers just the girl behind the counter. If the message is so darn important why did he not talk to the other customers? It was like a hit an run. Just punching in the time clock.

    The other observation I would really hate to think that God judged this woman as being a "goat" because she did not take the time while she was working to study the important message and realize that only JW's must be the true religion. To me the JW would have more blood guilt since he did not bother with the golden opportunity to talk to the other customers while they were sitting down and would not walk away or close the door on him.

    This really is too bad and too sad.

  • sandy

    I'd bet that he was "clocking in" on the big JW time clock. LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    Definitely a "get your time started" pioneer. Do you know what the difference between a regular pioneer and an auxiliary pioneer?

    The aux. pioneer doesn't know that he should call his bible student from home before he leaves for service, the aux. pioneer would not have stopped at McDonald's unless he was getting breakfast. The aux. pioneer is more effective making converts because he is not out there to get TIME, he knows he can quit pioneering next month, where the regular pioneer would never quit and be looked down on.

  • carla

    Speaking of McDonald's, did you notice the things haning over the bathroom doors advertising their burgers & such? One square is usually blank. A perfect spot for some anti jw literature, it just fits so nicely in there and stays without tape or anything. It stays protected by the plastic covering, McDonald's just thinks of everything don't they?

  • LovesDubs

    I remember starting my time before it got light when I was auxillary pioneering...going to the donut shops the 24-7 gas stations, the laundry mat, the train stations....And we would get back into the car and be all breathless and excited when we talked to someone and they didnt say something nasty! One time I was at a Shell station, and the person behind the bullet proof glass said they were DFd and kindly informed me that I shouldnt speak to them. I went back to the car and the elder who was driving said he would "handle it" and went back and said God only knows what to that poor girl. Like she had committed a crime by talking to me.

    Yep....get those tracts out there, start yer time and yer engines and come out smelling like a rose on your misery report.

  • katiekitten

    Ha thats so funny.

    Very cynical when you know the deal, and you know what they are up to. Just totally bemusing for everyone else.

    You should have said "PRAISE THE LORD, ive been praying for guidance, and now you have come". He would have been thinking "get lost nutter, I have a field service arrangement I have to get to in 45 minutes"!

  • sspo

    Talking to others would have been too embarassing for him, so start your time by giving the girl the tract and run.

    It's not love for people, it is putting your time in so that at the end of the month, you will look good and keep your position in the congr.

    We did it ourselves, after so many years of preaching it just became a job just like any other.

  • VM44

    The workers at McDonald's have no time to read tracts!

    That was a waste of material!


  • dedpoet
    Definitely a "get your time started" pioneer

    I agree. I used to do things like that when I was pioneering, though I'm sure he's breaking the "rules" regarding distribution, the dubs are supposed to take them door to door and not post them through not at homes, at least for the first 2 weeks anyway. The girl behind the counter may get 2 "opportunities" to reaf the bullshit tract if someone else calls on her at home, while others miss out.

  • juni

    Yes. We did use to do the same thing to get our time started early, but not giving something to the counter girl at Mc Donalds.

    You were supposed to contact the manager or person in charge - not the employees.

    So yes this was a selfish hit and run to get time started.


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