Thanks Blondie, I'm sure my brother is going along with what's written in the WT.
JW Weddings
by sandy 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I guess nobody in my hall got that memo. Nobody asked the people in my party to fill out resumes or if they were doing anything scandalous. :) Of course they never asked ME if I was doing anything scandalous either...hehehehe
It differs from hall to hall really
If you were baptized and have left you can't take part in the wedding party but can go to the hall and the dinner. If you were never baptized but left you can be a part of the whole thing
I looked into a lot recently for personal reasons and it was just one more thing that makes me never want to go back
When my ex and I got married in 1974 her dad escorted her down the aisle and we were married in a KH and he was an atheist.
It would be unfitting to have in the wedding party people who are disfellowshipped or whose scandalous life-style grossly conflicts with Bible principles. (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)
this is the only organizational rule
any others are local rules ..which include music, how many bridesmaids, photography, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
so sandy..ya bro should be made aware of this and then use it so get his wedding his (and his future wifes) way..
when questioned about who is in the wedding party just answer...'no scandalous or df-ed person' and move on.
i used to take weddings...i would be offended if a couple chose to use non witnesses in their wedding party....what a prat i was
Well, my brother who is getting married is a play by the WT rules kind of guy. So I am sure he isn't asking our brother to be in his wedding b/c it wouldn't look right in the eyes of the other cult members. My brother who was not asked to be in the wedding was never baptized. He stopped going to the KH at about 13 when he was turned down when he asked to be baptized. He went over all the questions and was told he should wait and study one more book. He never went back to the KH after that w/ the exception of a few talks/memorials/weddings/funerals.