One of the things that I have noticed since I have been out is that "Apostates"/ex-JW's tend to try and "controll" you the same way as JW's used to do. For example: Whenever you tell an "Apostate" that you are no longer one of JW's they right away asume that you want to be a "born-again" christian and try to cram the "trinity" doctrine down your throat. Also if you tell an Apostate that you don't share their views on Hell-fire damnation they will immediately look at you with "contempt". Their is just noway around people trying to controll your life. The JW's try and when you attend a church just for some uplifting and spirituality the Pastor, Minister, Deacon etc; all run up to you and ask you if you want to accept Jesus into your life. I just want to fellowship with people that don't won't controll over you. The churches and JW's are good at "Love-Bombing" treat you like a king until you join their church then they toss you away like a used napkin. Now people get mad at me because I will not let them controll or try to controll me. I can interpret the bible for myself.
What things about "Apostates" do you feel is "controlling" as WTS?
by booker-t 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wow ! Everybody is on a different path after leaving DubLandia. But, even after attending many ApostaFests...I've never had that happen to me...not even once !
Mostly, ex-jw's don't have too much to do with any religion and if they do they have been very respectful not to push it on agnostics (me), aetheists, pagans, wiccans, etc.
That's been my experience anyway.
Whenever you tell an "Apostate" that you are no longer one of JW's they right away asume that you want to be a "born-again" christian and try to cram the "trinity" doctrine down your throat.
This may be true on certain internet groups or at certain apostafests; but I have never experienced this personally. Since leaving the organization; I have met and talked extensively with three ex-Witnesses; and none of them are even remotely born-again. They are not even religious, for that matter.
Whenever you tell an "Apostate" that you are no longer one of JW's they right away asume that you want to be a "born-again" christian and try to cram the "trinity" doctrine down your throat. Also if you tell an Apostate that you don't share their views on Hell-fire damnation they will immediately look at you with "contempt". Their is just noway around people trying to controll your life.
I am sorry your experiences havent been positive so far; since my joining this website however never once has it been suggested by anyone that I should change my beliefs. I think however it is dangerous to over generalise as not all apostates are born again christians; admittedly some might be, but I prefer to believe as supported by my experiences, that apostates are free thinkers, people who have broken away from the cult and are now thinking for themselves.
Their own paths might lead them to 'discovering christ' or to simply not believe in any higher power at all. Either way I dont think that I have been treated or looked at with contempt for having a different opinion in fact quite the opposite.
Again sorry your experiences to date haven't been positive, its obvious you have been speaking to the wrong apostates
they right away asume that you want to be a "born-again" christian and try to cram the "trinity" doctrine down your throat
WOW, you must have met the bunch of "any religion will do, weirdo fundie" branch of apostates.
Ive only met the "mis-spending our well spent youth" branch of apostates. You know the guys you were warned about at KH - hard drinking hsrd smoking hard partying fun guys you should never tell the elders you went out with because you will be marked for the rest of your life.
You should come to our next apsotofest. I promise nothing will be shoved down your throat. But you may be in danger of having a bl**dy good time. -
I promise nothing will be shoved down your throat.
Booker that depends on the type of ex JWs since ex JWs follow different routes after leaving the org atheism, christian fundamentalism, christian non fundamentalism, buddism, wiccan etc. They are certainly not one monolithic body. You must associate with groups that suit you ones that let you find your own level and exert zero pressure much like mainstream religions.
I agree with the poster above. I've met many many people on this board and no one has ever tried to shove their religion or beliefs on me.
Maybe you have that "I need to be saved look".
I have to say too that I've never had that experience. In fact, I've found that ex-jws tend to be more scrutinizing and skeptical about christianity, religion, and god in general.
I have visit some boards where people become so fired up about their newfound beliefs they become just as judgemental at those in the org - just regarding a different set of beliefs. So I think I can see where you are coming from. But I've found that to be more of the exception rather than the norm.
girasole -
The Dragon
So basically you are saying you refuse to suscribe and follow the JW's "guesses" into the great mystery...and you leave only to have others try to get you to come and join in their "guesses" or "religion".
Everybody like that seems to want to be a shepherd....but can't even lead themselves. pretty messed up imo.