It`s amazing the unusual bed-fellows one finds from time to time.
It seems that certain traits know no national boundaries. While watching the news the other day men with turbans living in Afganistan
began to resemble men with suits dwelling in Brooklyn. You might have
to squint a little bit to see the resemblance but try and see if you
can see what I saw.
As to the Talibans and the leaders of the Watchtower:
Both suppress information
Both discourage higher education
Both rejoice at the death of their `enemy`
Both keep women in a low place in society
Both keep their followers poor
Both have all their people wearing the same style clothes!
Both like making lots of petty rules
Both have their own `theocratic police force`
Both have a thing about beards (Taliban want em on/ WT wants em off)
Both have a thing about New York!
Both hate the trinity
Any other common traits I might have missed? JWD