I have recently been the recipient of a 30 plus minute presentation via phone of the Melaleuca home based business opportunity. What I would like to know is there anyone who uses the board that has any experience with them. They are based out of Idaho Falls, Idaho and before I even contemplate getting involved I intend to do some heavy researching all you comments to this effect would be greatly appreciated. tks in advance.
Melaleuca anyone?
by buffalosrfree 16 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
Mellaluca? These sales pyramid things are not worth the effort. I have not sold this stuff, but know many in the borg who did. They all swore by it. It cured "this" and "that" and was the "best thing" to come along in years. They were all going to make tons of money, helping people all the while. Most ended up with boxes of the crap and not money. Most were in debt before long. Unless you have a loyal and deluded clientele already, you are simply investing in a lot of product that you will have to pay for yourself.
Let me know how it goes. Perhaps you will be the lucky one.
My JW mom has been involved with Melaleuca for many years. She has signed a-lot of people up for it, but it hasn't resulted in much money for her. The negative side of it is that you have to have an order every month and if you forget to order, you get a shipment of items you have said were your back-up....this could mean you have a-lot of vitamins or detergent you don't need. I liked their products, but it is pricey....and I personally don't like the idea of "selling" anything.
choosing life
I personally hate multi-level marketing. It is all about using other people to make money for yourself. I have seen witnesses lie openly about "miracle" cures and how they've been helped, just to make a sale. And the sales meetings are all about greed. They have people come and tell how they have become millionaires selling these products.
There is a lot of these schemes going on in congregations, ranging from publishers to CO and DO schemes where they use their position in the congregation to set up businesses for themselves or their families. Melaleuca is multi-level marketing. The prices of their products are greatly inflated as are all such products in these schemes. They are making money only for those at the top, not the little man. And they are ripping off poor widows and sick ones who are desperate for relief from their ailments by selling them products that will not take away anything except their money.
Spoken by one who has been ripped off more than once-shame on me.
My personal feelings is the company is either owned or run by JW's. I signed up for a couple things from my JW daughter, and when I tried to later halt/cancel any future orders it was a real problem. You could not hardly cancel unless you got a lawyer!
Stay away from it.
Bumble Bee
My sis in law signed us up several years ago. Talked about how much money we could make yadda yadda yadda! It was a real pain in the keester. You had to order every month (so many points - each product had a point/money value). Their products were ok, but overpriced. You'd have to sign up a whole lot of people and they'd have to sign up people before you'd make any money.
I went to one of their "meetings" (televised) and it totally creeped me out - just like an assembly! Couldn't get out of the "scheme" fast enough.
My mom got into that stuff, I found the products to be inferior quality. The cleaners didn't clean that well, laundry soap was useless, the shampoo was a sham, and the toothpaste was horrible tasting.
Reminds me of the Amway thing that a lot of the dubs were trying to recruit for I think it is all a scam
Maybe not as bad as Amway but does that make it a good idea?
Logic and maths can show that all such organisation have high turn-over rates. Some people try it and do well and get knock-on comission for their Bible-studies, er, conversions, er, whatever. Most make little or no money - but make money for those further up the chain.
This is an unspoken part of the business model; part of the profit it relies upon to make some people money is in picking-up people for a short period who work for others profit at no return for themselves.
I've seen people invovled with similar companies ending up with a garage full of stuff they can't shift.
I'd check the references of the Wiki carefully before deciding. We all know from experience how easy it is for a competent well-prepared speaker to make a sack-of-shit smell sweet when speaking to an audience who really want it to be true.
That is the kicker; your motives. If this is a genuine business opportunity, fine. If this is a get-rich sceheme then, if it is so easy, how come so few people ARE rich? If you really want an easy option, this will influence your judgement of an apparent easy option; it's like guys find women they KNOW want to sleep with them more attractive than a girl of the same appeal who DOESN'T want to sleep with them. That which we desire that seems easy oft seems sweater than the boring work-get paid model.
All the best!
Unfortunately I got involved with this in the early 1990's, the most compensation I ever received was $2.00 a month for about 4 months......$8.00 whole dollars, wooohooo! I'm going to disneyland!!!!