Panic Attacks

by AudeSapere 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ade

    ps- i didnt go for treatment as such, i used 5-htp ( available at local healthstores - non habit forming etc, i believe you can get it prescription in the USA ) and the above method ( breathing and relaxing upper body )


    Theres alot of wild animals here.I was attacked by a Panic.It took 12 stitches to close the wound...OUTLAW

  • daniel-p

    My panic attacks were somewhat self-induced. But as soon as I stopped going out in service I haven't had any.

  • caligirl

    I have had them on and off for years. They started when I was a teenager and have returned in cycles ever since. I'm currently going through a rough patch with them.

    In the more mild forms, it feels like intense pressure on my upper left chest, my arm tingles, heart pounding. At it's worst, I sweat profusely, and feel like I can't breathe, plis all the "heart attack" symptoms.. I have been to the ER a couple of times thinking for sure I am having a heart attack. The bad ones tend to happen when I am away from home and go away on their own once I am home. I take Xanax as needed ( a very mild dose) and it does seem to work. Most of the time, just knowing that I have them to take if the feeling gets too much is enough to help calm me down.

  • katiekitten

    My sister started having them and she went for counselling. She worked through issues of rejection arising from being put up for adoption as a baby and having a violent husband who she had to leave giving him the house and everything in it, to get away.

    They subsided, but she still finds it impossible to drive for any distance other than to work and into the local town.

  • MsMcDucket

    I went back to look at a newsgroup that I once frequented called (ASAP) just to see what they had to say about the "Linden Method" (sp?). Many of the members were writing that it wasn't what it's cracked up to be. No pun intended.

  • Dansk
    Ian - the rectangle exercise is such an odd method. How did you happen upon that one?

    A therapist suggested it after my own attacks.


  • juni

    You goofball OUTLAW!!

    Yes. I had a panic attack once. Thought I was having a heart attack. Had a hard time breathing, horrible agitation, and tightness in my chest.

    Got to the Dr. via my daughter and by the time I got there and hooked up to the EKG machine I was starting to calm down. I guess that often times happens the doc said.

    It was a horrible experience.

    I am presently on antidepressants and antianxiety meds. My anxiety level is bad but I've never had another panic attack even though I felt like one was coming on.


  • greendawn

    The only time I had these was when I went through a spell of hypoglycemic incidents brought about by going into a new colder climate. I would drink fruit juice to quickly bring up the sugar levels.

  • Genesis

    5-HTP indeed increase serotonine (and dopamine BTW) in the brain. This is natural but be careful to cycle it and not overuse it or soon you will need it to be happy. Also note that using 5-HTP can decrease your libido. Besides that, 5-HTP works well. As mary said consult your doctor to be sure that you can take it.

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