Hello all my hurt fellow exJ.W.s out there.
I just recently discovered all these J.W. sites on the internet when I did a search for Jehovahs witnesses on Google. Wow, this is fantastic. I was raised in this cult until I got out when I was around 17 years old. Even though I believed that Jehovahs witnesses were the one true religion as I was growing up, there was always that little logical voice in me that was skeptical.
Also, for those of you that had the unique and horrible experience of being brought up a J.W. didn't you sometimes wonder how boring it would be living on earth forever with all those rules and all those boring people that you were forced to sit next to at the kingdom Hall? And even as a little kid, I was logical enough to figure that forever was a long time and sooner or later Jehovah would get pissed off at somebody and destroy us all and start over again, don't you think?
The year 1976 was the year I actually left the TRUTH and started trying to make up for lost time. My whole childhood was geared towards armageddon and the year 1975. So being the geek at school that didn't salute the flag, didn't get to celebrate his b-day, didn't celebrate holidays, cowered with his parents in the dark house on Halloween and left the room like a scared schoolgirl when someone brought a ouji board to class, was going to be worth it because they were going to die soon and I would live forever. When 1975 came and left I realized that what I had endured all my life as a J.W. was bullshit.
I wanted drugs and women, isn't that typical when J.W. kids go wild. Sounds like a Fox show. I wonder also if there are other J.W. kids like me that had O.C.D. when they were growing up, mine were ritulals, like counting or having to touch things a certain way with a certain hand. With worring about demons sitting on the end of my bed every night ready to demonize me at the first available opportunity, it's not suprising that I would want to occupy my mind with rituals.
I thought the things I went through were unique to me until I discovered these J.W. threads, I can't get enough, does anybody else want to share their experiences growing up J.W.?
Sorry for my terrible writing skills, I should have spent more time studying in school instead of going door to door.
growing pains
by finnrot 22 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Finnrot, welcome to the board!
I enjoyed reading your experience. I also grew up as a JDub, and I too was the "geek" who never fit in at school.
My story is on my website (link below) if you are interested. There are many other stories in the Personal Experiences portion of this board, but you've probably been there already.
I look forward to reading your posts.
"The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
TruthQuest: http://beam.to/truthquest
DAMN!! i though this was a post about the t.v. show..
remember kirk camerons girlfriend/wife.......she was sweet. -
Actually, right now, I am in the "Why We Don't Believe In gods" room. At times, the "Freemasons" room is open. And right now, there are seven people in the "jw" room. Many EXjws o to the "jw" room. Why? Many reasons. I go there mainly to cut/paste relative, updated material that is put out on the wire re: this Organization. Sometimes I rant and rage. Sometimes I'm in hysterics(ask cyg). Other times I don't say anythin, I just "gather".
There are many different "religious" rooms here. Hope to see ya soon.
Hi Finnrot,
Can't quite decide if your a Helsinkian or an Aquarist with a name like that.
If its the latter I recommend raising the temp to 86 and a double dose of Cuprazin.
Unless you're an Amazonian Discus, in which case you are doomed!
Englishman (symphosodin)
Stay Alive 'Til '75!
Welcome, finnrot.
fortunately, I was not raised a JW,(became one at 23) still, I had a period of about 2 years when I waited in fear of being destroyed after I left the WTS. Then I got on the 'net. I went through a few stages after that, starting with extreme anger at the lie that I lived as a JW. Things smoothed out though, and are improving year by year.
I think the same will happen with you. Welcome to Freedom!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke