CoC vs. Proclaimers

by concerbedbf 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • concerbedbf

    Not sure what im looking here for

    What is the relationship between the two, was the proclaimers a rebuttle to CoC and simlar arguments?

    Are the any provable misrepresentations, falsehoods, or lies in the Proclaimers?

    Is there anything else I should know about the proclaimers?

  • blondie

    You might interested in this review of the Proclaimers book.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Was Proclaimers a rebuttal of CoC?

    In the minds of the GB it might have been. But to the average pub, in the average congo, I don't think so. We mostly had no clue CoC had ever been written. The GB, being closer to the information and fearful of it's effects may have been trying to counter.


  • concerbedbf

    Thanks Blondie, Thats the kind of info I was looking for.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I thnk the Proclaimers book was a rebuttle to a number of sources that challenged the JW past. Not just Franz but many evangelical Christian groups as well had become well formed in their presentations against the JWs for hiding their past. They had to come up with a stradgey to make JWs less sensitive to the past, and the Proclaimers book does just that.

    They wanted the book to look like a full complete volume on JW history without it really being one. HUGE margians and lots of photos make the book the size that it is. I'm sure it could be taken down to a 225-300 page book if all of this extra filler was removed. The almot 800 pages is totally useless. It's simply made that way to make it seem like it is an authoritative source on the subject.

    Not to mention the outline for the book. Who the heck would ever make a history book be arranged by TOPIC unless they wanted to confuse the history!?!?!.

    It is a tool to sanitize the JW to their past, it's just that simple. And boy has it worked.

  • concerbedbf

    DS, I was afraid that it might be as you described, even scarier is the effectiveness. I hear my GF reciting there excuses verbatum. Always blaming the contorversy on those that "fell away". it is her primary source to refudiate anything critical of the WTBS especially CoC. I dont think she fully grasps contoveries, its easier to just explain them away as new light. Talk about leading a horse to water.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    So your GF is a JW and you are not?

    Funny how they will break some rules, but others they will not.

    I would try just getting here to read CoC, she must have some rebelliousness in her. If you are affraid to bring up the book I would suggest something a little more strategic. It is very hard to get a JW to actually want to read CoC because they will be in fear of it.

    Many have talked about the benifits of showing error in the Watchtower by using it's own publications against them. This is the process I prefer as well. Using JW literature you can prove that their claims are bogus.

    I have a post planned for later this week (hopefully) that will provide people with easy to follow documents that prove the WTS is making untrue claims.

    I know i've said I would be getting this stuff up sooner on a number of other posts, but it just takes so much time!


  • TD

    I think a better comparison would be Apocalypse Delayed vs Proclaimers ---C of C was not a treatise of JW history per se

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    No doubt Proclaimers is a nifty little counter move to the 'apostate' rebellion. Franz and Jonnson were both part of that about the same time, as was Penton.

    Kinda sounds like Orwellian logic here - just rewrite it, and it never happened. It would be interesting to see a comparison of some specific points in Proclaimers, vs the actual history as revealed by those who knew and researched it.


  • concerbedbf

    She is a long term bible study, not babtized but of course confesses that if she was only worthy she would be babtized. Its only taken about a year or so, but we are now on chapter 8. However she has convinced herself that all the reprints are frauds, somehow they are out of context or forged. Even when they are proven to be true, she is sure that there is two sides of the story and pulls out the proclaimers book. This has backfired on her especially witht the Beth Sarim stuff. However she refuses to get the point, and parrots the wtbs. "It is gods organization, but there just imperfect men and some times make mistakes" then she convinces herself that those who made the mistake are no longer part of the organization. Hence the leading of the horse to water.

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