Resources will be gone by 2050

by oldflame 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vormek 4.20
    Vormek 4.20
    "I shudder to think what would happen if any of this report comes true."

    In my opinion, lots of humans die off, mostly the poorest in third world countries after which we reach some sort of equilibrium with our resources like we always have.

  • catbert

    Daniel, Much of the energy used on the planet is derived from the Sun, whether it be fossil fuels, or alchohol derived from plant life. The Sun will continue to project its 1500 watts per square meter of planet surface area. The real problem in this conversation is "cheap and abundant" fuel for those that cannot afford to buy new electric cars and stick solar panels on their roofs like rich environmentally conscious heroes like Ed Begely Jr.

  • daniel-p
    Daniel, This is what I predict. Life will continue to get much better for a smaller percentage of the planets population, and much worse for a larger percentage of the worlds population. Survival of the fittest.

    I agree with half of your prediction. I don't agree that it will continue to get much better for the small percentage of us fortunate ones. Quality of life indicators have recently begun to show declines in areas such as life expectancy even in the Western World.

  • daniel-p
    Daniel, Much of the energy used on the planet is derived from the Sun, whether it be fossil fuels, or alchohol derived from plant life. The Sun will continue to project its 1500 watts per square meter of planet surface area. The real problem in this conversation is "cheap and abundant" fuel for those that cannot afford to buy new electric cars and stick solar panels on their roofs like rich environmentally conscious heroes like Ed Begely Jr.

    That energy derived from the sun gives us our resources, yes, but over a period of millions of years. What we do in the relatively short period of 150 years past-industrial revolution is using what the sun had given us over millions of years. You mention conversion from combustion to electric cars - which is not a solution whatsoever. Most of that electricity is produced with hydrocarbons, rendering valuable fuel useless and troublesome for future generations. Resource consumption is not just about cars and solar panels. Its about where you get your food from, if you eat a lot of meat, what and where you buy your goods (clothes, etc), how land is used and developed and so forth.

  • oldflame

    I just worry about where it leaves our children and grandchildren. And imagine this if most countries in the world lose their resources and only a few retain whats left, can you imagine the threat of attack ? It will be terrible.

  • stillajwexelder

    It will be self correcting - either there will be a huge war or famine or disease - but the population will slow down one way or another

  • catbert

    Daniel, First of all, the people that live long lives in the future will be living on less than 1800 calories per day. I believe that is a very important point. And presently, solar cells are not efficient, but they will become more efficient, but not affordable for most people. 1500 watts per square meter is a lot of energy, assuming you live in a sunny climate. Again, I believe there will be a larger separation between the wealthy and the poor. Wealthy people will live much longer in the future do to medical advances. The medical insurance industry will ultimately have to reform and cater to the wealthy. The mantra in the future will be "You cant save everyone".

  • Tigerman

    It's already started . . .look at parts of Africa where people are poaching in game preserves just to feed themselves. Many animals are on the verge of extinction because of man's ongoing drive into the forests and jungles . . . nations where the rulers take bribes or capitalize on the natural resources that are supposed to be protected . . .dead zones in the oceans where nothing lives, etc. etc. etc...........

  • catbert

    Tigerman, why is an extinction of an animal a "bad thing"?

  • Satanus

    Don't worry, have a coffee

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