Signs of the Times -- New Orleans, Thailand, God, or Accident?

by Morocco 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Morocco

    I've heard some people say that what happened to New Orleans was an act of God – a punishment from a higher power as the consequence of their sins. Perhaps the tsunami that happened in Thailand those years ago was also an act of God. We can go on and on about what could and what couldn't be acts of God but we won't. The question is: do you think these things occur because of God's will or not? Why do you believe this?

  • lonelysheep

    The tsunami reinforced my lack of belief in a god or the supernatural. These things occur because of nature's forces, period.

  • Terry

    Punishment by God is a canard.

    It comes from selective interpretation.

    Think of it this way...

    Ever heard of the superstition about "Death by 3's" in Hollywood?

    Stars die in lots of THREE AT A TIME; so the superstition goes.

    But, it is an interpretive function of selective groupings.

    The believer merely waits for the 3rd death (no matter how much time intervenes) and declares the set closed and a new set open.

    Any disaster at all which befalls people can be interpreted as an EFFECT which was CAUSED by such and so deservedly.

    How many righteous cities can you name? None! Consequently it follows logically that any disaster befalling any city on earth is somehow deserved because of a lack of righteousness.

    Pretty silly.

    There has never been a moment in the history of mankind that disaster did not occur. Thousands of years ago there were disasters. Were they too signs of an end? No.

    This END TIMES thinking is selective filtering and selective interpretation. It is SUPERSTITIOUS belief moulded to fit a pattern.

    It is indoctrinated fear.

    Get over it.

  • greendawn

    These are just coincidences, blind forces of nature that happen to get unleashed at a certain time and place and they have been occuring since time immemorial.

  • stillajwexelder

    The bible aptly describes it as time and Unforseen circumstance

  • Undecided

    Damn, that tree in my yard is going to fall on my house any day now.

    Ken P.

  • daystar
    New Orleans, Thailand, God, or Accident?

    Neither... nature.

  • jaguarbass

    I've heard some people say that what happened to New Orleans was an act of God – a punishment from a higher power as the consequence of their sins. Perhaps the tsunami that happened in Thailand those years ago was also an act of God. We can go on and on about what could and what couldn't be acts of God but we won't. The question is: do you think these things occur because of God's will or not? Why do you believe this? If there is a God, If he is anything like the God of the bible, then he allows it. So I would say it is his will. Especially if he knows the begining from the end, If he is God he knows the future. As far as New Orleans goes the people there built there city in a saucer below sea level. You could say by their ignorance they were asking for it or tempting fate. Also the Tsunami in Thailand these people were all living close to the water. To live in these places probably isnt good common sense. God is an acronym for good orderly direction. The people living in these places were not following good orderly direction. So is there a God? Is he helpless, unable to control the enviroment? If so he is not much of a God. If he can control the enviroment and chooses not to then by the sin of ommision it would be his will what ever he allows.

  • Seeker4

    It's exactly stupid ideas like this, that a god causes these kind of events to punish bad people, that helps me to see that there is no god.

    There are completely natural explanations for all of this, none of which require any belief in a capricious, vengeful, angry, unstable despot god. Atheism is a much more reasonable way to understand the universe. Once you start getting a god involved, you create really horrible scenarios, all of which show this god to be a monster.


  • buffalosrfree

    Truer words spoken (okay written) at Eccl: 9:11 were never spoken/written unforseen circumstances happen, or shit happens, you don't want to be in the way of it when it does. God doesn't wake up one morning and say oh gee I like the ocean waves lets have a few destructive ones today and I want to eliminate x amount of people from the gene pool. Thats nonsense.

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