Whenever you pray everything goes from bad to worst.
R U afraid to pray because:?
by rekless 11 Replies latest jw friends
I think that might be a biproduct of self fulfilling prophecy. If you BELIEVE that "praying" causes things to get worse then, 1) you dont really believe in prayer, or 2) you dont really believe in God or 3) perhaps you should stop praying :)
Like the doctor says...if it hurts when you press on it...stop pressing on it.
Not at all. I don't pray because I don't think there's anyone listening, so I don't see the point.
well, actually I don't pray anymore either, but while I was a witless, it seemed as though as if everything I prayed fro ent the other way. and I'm not talking about material things.
I nebver had a prayer answered in my 35 years of service in the congregation.
I would suppose it would depend upon what you're praying for. I mean, if you prayed to make your life better, generally, and then went through a divorce, you might say "crapola! Well, that prayer went unanswered!" But maybe it didn't.
I went through a series of spiritually cleansing practices some time ago. Their purpose was to do just that, clear negative influences upon me. I ended up divorced and a single dad. But, I was miserable in the marriage, was not in love, wife was an alcoholic, etc.
So, did it work?
nebver had a prayer answered in my 35 years of service in the congregation
That seems odd. George Carlin the commedian says that you have a 50/50 chance of getting your prayers answered. What are you praying for a million dollars to fall out of the sky?
when I was a kid of 10 a friend died of leaukemia and I prayed to God, when I get married pleae don't let my child get leaukemia. guess what 6 months after my wife and I were baptized as witness our son got leaukemia, he died the week he graduated from high school, in the mean time I continuede to serve in the congregation and presented the typical congo prayer never asking for material blessing just spritul guidance. Then my came down with a rare blood diease and I begged on her death bed for someone up there god Jesus or anybody to help. She died. No I never did ask for a million bucks just some comfort.
sorry for the grammar and misspelled words. in a hurry.
George Carlin the commedian says that you have a 50/50 chance of getting your prayers answered. What are you praying for a million dollars to fall out of the sky?
Well, if I were, by Carlin's guess, I should at least get half a million dropped into my lap, right?
rekless, I'm very sorry to hear about that. I certainly don't have any answers for you. But I don't think, ultimately, that anyone does.
still wondering
I’m very sorry to hear of your misfortune.
As witlesses we prayed to Jehovah. As we know now this is a name thought up by a 13 th
century Roman Catholic monk and even the witlesses accept that the most accurate translation of YHWH is most defiantly not this.
So all those years we were praying to nobody.
The most significant prayer in the entire Bible is surely the Lords Prayer.
Jesus said to pray to Our Heavenly Father, no name required.
Also don’t forget "time and unforeseen occurrence" (NWT speak, horrible) befalls us all.
What our Heavenly Father has promised is that he will help us cope with any difficulty, not remove it.
I pray for help in acquiring the relevant knowledge, understanding, wisdom and self control.
For the first time in 50 years I feel my prayers are heard.
Hope this helps.