I once went to a 2 day assembly with 4 wisdom teeth pulled the day before.My gums were bleeding but I stayed at the assembly with gauze inside my mouth and rinsing my mouth every 10 minutes.A brother had major back operation a couple of days before but he made to the assembly laying on a mattress in the back of the hall for 2 days.WOW! We thought we were zealous.Now I look back and see how stupid we were.
What's the worst injury or sickness you have seen participate at a meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There was a brother who got a nasty cough all of a sudden. He would still go to the meetings, but he died two or three months later, because by the time the doctors found out he had cancer, it had spread all over.
Frannie Banannie
I once went to a 2 day assembly with 4 wisdom teeth pulled the day before.My gums were bleeding but I stayed at the assembly with gauze inside my mouth and rinsing my mouth every 10 minutes.A brother had major back operation a couple of days before but he made to the assembly laying on a mattress in the back of the hall for 2 days.WOW! We thought we were zealous.Now I look back and see how stupid we were.
Ewww, R&R. That's horrible. No, we weren't shtupid....just deceived.
In my family, we had a 4-for-1 injury combo.
One Winter, I had fallen down my back steps and landed on my wazoo on the edge of the brick steps and made a big black goose egg right next to my tailbone. Little did I know that it had shoved my spine over about an inch and a quarter which would cause bursitis to flare up in both hips within a few months.
A few months later, one week, my oldest son called me at work from gym class and told me he'd broken his toe while playing basketball barefoot in the gym - trip to the ER.
That weekend, my youngest son was attacked and bitten on the left eye by a bible study's dog while we were there to study with her and the kids were playing outside - trip to the same ER.
The next day, my youngest son (4 yo) was running through our house and tripped and fell over a space heater which happened to be on and HOT, burning his left arm and thigh - trip to the same ER.
I'm using a cane by now, because of my bursitis which has flared up in both hips and the ER personnel are beginning to look at us funny when we go there.
A few days into the next week, my babysitter called to let me know that my daughter had jumped off the sofa where the kids were jumping on the furniture and landed on a cup and she thought her foot was broken. It was.
So there we were, the youngest in bandages and wondering why he didn't get any crutches, the two older ones on crutches and me hobbling along with a cane.
We were a spectacle anywhere we went, including the KH and field service.
Frannie is the winner. I don't care what anyone else writes after this. She is still the winner.
I fell in the kingdom hall parking lot and injured my right knee - it bent sideways as I was falling. It hurt like hell, but I didn't go to the doctor or hospital. I just went home, went to bed, and got up early the next morning. I grabbed some old crutches I had at 6 AM and went out to do street witnessing. I did that for 2 hours and then went from door to door on my crutches until noon. Several times I nearly passed out from the pain. Then I went to a doctor who x-rayed my knee. He couldn't find my kneecap, so he did another x-ray at a different angle. He found my kneecap on the right side of my knee instead of the front, where it should be. After that the knee was never the same, and popped apart a few more times. I eventually had surgery, and no more problems with my right knee. The left one is another story though.
I just had no common sense in those days.
There was one woman in our congregation who had a baby on a Friday and came to the Sunday meeting, baby and all. Jeez, she didn't even get to miss one stinking meeting! Another young MS we knew got severe electrical burns on his hands and torso (he was an electrician working on a commercial breaker box). He was in the hospital several days and had to have skin grafts on his hands. He was darn-near killed! But about one week after being released from the hospital, still in bad shape, he went to the Thursday night meeting because he had a part assigned. When I had my son by C-section, it was really hard to get back to feeling well. I remember an elder calling me about 2 weeks after I had my son asking for my field service report for that month. That would be a big ZERO!! When I finally drug my butt in to a meeting about 3 weeks after the C-section, still sore and feeling wiped out, people said things like "Its good to finally see you" (aka: 'You took too much time off after having the baby...')In our congregation, there were unwritten rules about how much time one should be expected to be absent from meetings after being ill, losing a loved one in death, etc.
These are all great injuries!
Wowza...no way I would have endure any of that to go to meeting. I waited and waited for a cough or sneeze so I could stay home.
I wasn't feeling well and my parents made me come to the meeting. I made it through the entire meeting and last song and then I passed out into the aisle during the closing prayer. As soon as the brother praying said amen there was a simultaneous thud, which was me hitting the ground. I woke up with the entire congregation surrounding me.
My brother-in-law once kind of hyperventilated and then passed out cold while giving the hour public talk. The CO picked him up like a baby and got him to the back of the hall and the assistant CO finished the talk and started the watchtower study early.