Wanting something???

by MsMcDucket 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Have you ever had this feeling that your body wants something, but you can't figure out what it is? I mean like is food, a vitamin, a drink, something? I have this feeling a lot. I'll smoke a cigarette. That's not it. Then I'll eat something that's not it. I just can't figure it out? What is that?

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's usually sex.

  • AnonyMouse

    I feel like that sometimes. Actually, quite often.

    But I'm just lonely. I guess, technically, that means it's related to sex....so OnTheWayOut is probably right :P .

  • MsMcDucket
    It's usually sex.

    Can't be that! I'm going through menopause! Sheesh!

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is how you must feel then:

  • candidlynuts

    what you want is a long long back rub! that fixes everything!

  • jaguarbass

    Have you ever had this feeling that your body wants something, but you can't figure out what it is? I mean like is food, a vitamin, a drink, something? I have this feeling a lot. I'll smoke a cigarette. That's not it. Then I'll eat something that's not it. I just can't figure it out? What is that?

    That happens to me when my routine is disturbed when my life gets out of whack and I'm trying to reestablish my equilibrium. I would call it stress. Thats my take on it. Then again I've heard some people say, your trying to fill a hole that only God can fill.
  • Woofer

    You probably need to pray more, attend more meetings and go out in field service more.

  • TopHat

    For me it's exercise....my body needs a good old cardio workout to get the cobwebs out of my brain and blood circulating...Then I have that feel good feeling.

  • FreeFromWTBS

    Are you getting enough sleep. I have this issue when I don't have enough sleep.

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