Personality of "Anointed" JWs

by Smiles 66 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Genesis

    Oh sh*t, Jean-Luc Picard is back from the Enterprise !

  • Clam

    You won't see any Dubs in Star Trek.

    It's set in the future.

  • LittleToe

    Most of the ones I knew were very humble and a little distant. I wouldn't have interpreted that as aloof, more preoccupied with their inner thoughts.

    Danny:That may be appropriate to the Governing Body, but I'm not so sure regarding the general attitude of the rest. Most were second-class citizens even compared to the Great Crowd.

    It certainly caused me to keep my trap shut until I DAed.

  • Bam412

    My mother after her divorce and hitting the menopause declared herself annointed, which was the same time I quick-stepped out of the religion (at the age of 15/16) - it was kind of the last straw! I went back in 4 years later though. Nothing seemed to go right for me when I left initially and I was young and thought it was god punishing me. I finally left 4 years later and my head is clear and I put anyone off religion as it is the 'opium of the masses'. Karl Marx is right! And, I have never looked back. I am now married with a gorgeous son who is celebrating his 2nd birthday next month - still can't think what to get him. Maybe a trampeline...

    Anyway, you'll know my mother when you go to Mutley Congregation in Plymouth Devon UK, she is the one wearing an Easter Bonnet on her head on memorial night. When I returned for a while I sat next to her once. She came in like she was royalty and even though the elder conducting the memorial did the prayer for the bread and then the wine - she did her own. She gulped the wine down and did a burp and took the biggest bite out of the unleavened bread and I could hear her crunching it through the rest of the meeting! Afterwards, she sat on her own at the front of the meeting and only one of the congregation's simpletons and a lost child spoke to her - she told me later that they would be blessed and the rest will have to answer to Jesus as they are supporting his chosen one, and showed me in scripture the bit about the apostles not being there for Jesus on his last night. Anyway, I made it art form to not sit next to her again. Everyone thinks that she is a loon and although she's my mother, I have to agree with them. She doesn't even live in Devon, she lives in Cornwall and gets the train back and forth from the meeting. No one has ever cared about the fact that she doesn't get home to midnight or offer to give her lift - but she alienates people by talking at them and not with them, and generally being odd. She doesn't go to her local meeting as the elders are against her (she is actually correct there).

    Although I am DA'd she still talks to me occassionally because she says it wasn't announced so I am not technically. But when I do have the 'joy' of conversation with her, she rants on about her success with the Chinese immigrants and asks me when I am going to return to my father. I explain that he up'd and left some years ago and hasn't kept contact and she says no your true father. I know what she's getting at and what ever logical reasoning I give back to her, it falls on wasted ears. She displays all the symptoms of depression and if you dare try to bring this to her attention she will say that I am Satan trying to destroy her because she is a chosen one. She thinks the the CIA, MI5, FBI, George Bush, Tony Blair (the lot) are bugging her and as she is god's chosen one and when I recently tried to explain that JWs aren't that big a religion and if any bugging is going on it is on suspected Muslim Fundamentalists she tells me that she knew I would say that because they have told me to say this and everybody is against her - because she is (wait for it) a chosen one.

    She makes more times for the Chinese than for her own grand-children for which she has 6. I have a sister and two brothers - we all left the religion and it's only her left in it. She doesn't talk to me brother because he is DA'd and it was announced, the other one never baptised so he get's the enlightening conversation from her from time to time, and my sister who has a baby boy (same age as mine) and lives with her boyfriend (hell-fire and sulphur) also gets enlightening conversation from her from time to time - she is also DA'd. So we're not quite sure how her logic works. All we know is that she seeks to divide and rule and she has lost control, so attention seeking in a congregation who couldn't care less about her is what she has opted for.

    I look at her life and think it's totally wasted. She could have it so much better if she made time for her grand-children and dealt with her mental illness. But I don't think she'll ever admit that she has made a horrible mistake all these years and it makes me angry that I have to watch this and be powerless. I just know that my son (and hopefully more soon), will have a life that doesn't make him feel unworthy, lack confidence or embarrassed. I want him to embrase life and travel, go to university and better himself whenever the chances arise and I will do everything in my power to ensure that they do.

  • Sunspot

    I have met seven of the anointed in my 30 year stint as a JW. Two were, shall I say. "questionable" in that they were both DFed, re-instated and years down the road claimed to be of the anointed.

    One was a very elderly, blind and crippled older man.....who I never spoke with or got to know.

    The other four, were nice, unassuming and humble individuals from my dealings with them. One in particular, an older sister, that I had gone out in Field Service with one morning.....asked if *I* would "take" the first door because she had not been "out" in ages and was very nervous! She was very comfortable to be around and was very down-to-earth.

    Any arrogant and hard-nosed ones that I came across in the congregations, were the "regular" elders, IMHO.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    There were a couple in our kh. One was quite humble and very approachable, a real pleasure to be with, but the other was completely batty. No one enjoyed working with her in the fs, or sitting near her at the kh.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    The anointed in the KH's among the R&F have it just a bit tougher than the R&F. They probably withdraw somewhat because proclaiming to be of the anointing causes them to be viewed from a microscopic viewpoint by those around them. Can you imagine, as bad as the judgmentality normally is surrounding the R&F, how much moreso it is surrounding the anointed among the R&F? It'd make you a little nutsy, too!


  • greendawn

    The one I knew well happened to be a very spiritually sound person and very critical of the GB and the org in general, the second one was very rich and didn't seem to me to have any outstanding spirituality. He donated money to the org but never helped any local dubs in need. He got rich after he became a dub through some clever business ideas.

  • Warlock

    I knew one in a congregation that shared our hall. She was about 90 and couldn't hardly hear.

    Over a period of 20 years we had 3 in our congregation. All sisters.

    One was a bit distant.

    One was, to put it mildly, a bitch.

    The last one was a very good person. Very nice. Very encouraging,



    Crazy Eyes The ones I knew were nuts/Coo-coo/mental/crazy/dilusional/not all there/The lights were on but nobody was home..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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