I was molested, but not by a witness. I didn't even know the witnesses existed until I was 20. One of my dad's friends talked my dad into letting me stay at his house since he didn't have kids. I don't remember when it happened as I blocked it out for years, I only know the time period based on where my dad was living at the time. Anyway, the guy was a bus driver. I never said anything. I felt like crap for a long time about all the other kids he could have hurt but I was too immature to know what to do. What made me feel the worst, and I'm saying it even though I'm scared right now, is that I came. I didn't mean to. I don't know why I did. I hated myself when I remembered that too. Anyway, he's dead now.
for those who were abused sexually or know of someone who was
by Sam87 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I was sexually abused by two "brothers." One was an elder. The other was a father of a JW friend who had recently moved from Manitoba to British Columbia. They had relocated (from what I understood) because of a "complaint" at his workplace. He had been a teacher at a Manitoba school and when he moved to BC he wasn't teaching.anymore...he was doing pin striping on cars.
Also, my ex-sister-in-law has a baby with my ex-father-in-law. My father-in-law was an elder when my now ex husband and and I got married. This elder had a baby with his daughter and his wife one month apart! The product of the incest was 15 years old when we got married. Is she my kid's cousin or aunt, or sadly both???
Yes, the JW cover-up is TRUE! I'm NOT lying to you!
I wasnt sexually abused but was abused physically as a child- my cries for help in the congregation never went heard and they to this day could not care less.
My ex wife who was also brought up as a dub was systematically sexually abused by her elder grandfather since being very young to the age of 13/14; he was sent to prison for 6 f**king months and was disfellowshipped. However my ex wifes family were shunned because they dared to report it to the police. When six months later (when he arrived back from prison) he was quickly reinstated and they didnt even think to prewarn my ex wifes family before it happened.
Imagine sitting very comfortably at the Service Meeting (blinking and swallowing) and when the annoucements slot came up, without warning they announced to the family including the children who he abused (not just my ex wife) that he was reinstated into the congregation. Everyone in the congregation (who knew what had happened) welcomed the sick f*ck back with open arms.
Not only that he was allowed to pioneer until very recently; he also was allowed the group study at his house until recently; what is very frightening is that a trendy teenagers magazine with highly sexualised teenagers contained within it was found at his house; I reported it to the elders locally and they said they could not do anything about it unless he confessed.
I have fond memories of my ex wife waking up screaming during the night covered in sweat dreaming of being gang raped by her grandfather and his sick perverted friends; I have fond memories of taking a knive out of her hands preventing her from doing damage to herself given extreme self hatred.
In my view there is no punishment hard enough for paedophiles or for people who allow it to continue in a negligent fashion.
did it get dealt with at all?
Dealt with...thats a subjective term; I would say not.
are the offenders still out there ?
Alive and kicking...mores the pity.
have they been dealt with by the law?
If you call 6 months justice then I suppose the answer is yes.
i was just wondering because sooo many of them get away, if you were offended did you take it into your own hands and bypass the elders and go to the police? if not is it too late now?
On a number of occasions we reported instances of concern to local elders and as a result were called apostates when we took them to task for not dealing with matters appropriately. I also asked a great deal of awkward questions as to how Jehovah god could allow his holy spirit to direct the congregation to appoint a paedophile as an elder- again this added fuel to the already burning apostate stake they wished to tie me to. In the end we gave up and set about warning others directly.
i HOPE you come back and read this thread, this much later...
What happened was NOT your fault or shame, it was a wrong act on the part of an ADULT.
You experienced a normal physiological response in a healthy body.
You didn't do wrong, the ADULT did.
Please know that no shame or blame rightly falls at your feet.
If you haven't gotten counseling about this issue, talking about it, tho' scarey and uncomfortable, will help immensely, in the big picture. Please consider this..