I didn't know Bush Sr. used this phrase, if he did my following comment makes sense....a few months ago I was reading the books "Conversations with God" by Neal Donald Walsh, anyway, I found it quite interesting a little off, but still interesting, that is until I read book 2, and Mr. Walsh who I noticed throughout book 1 and 2 mentioned this New World Government as being the ideal, the red flag came up for me when I read the following supposedly from God.. "So the short-term solution to the world's foment may be a new social structure-a new, worldwide, government. There have been those leaders among you who have been insightful enough and brave enough to propose beginnings of such a new world order. Your George Bush (sr), whom history will judge to be a man of far greater wisdom, vision, compassion, and courage than contemporary society was willing or able to acknowledge, was such a leader", when I read this I couldn't believe it, I saw the whole picture at that moment how in the hell would God say that? What utter BS, I stopped reading after that and haven't picked it up since.
The interesting thing is that this Neale Donald Walsh guy has a huge following, I heard he is making a movie about the "Conversations with God" series of books. He is part of a group of people that are writing books and trying to push this one world government thingy, I also think the Transcendental Meditation movement is part of the plan somehow. I wonder how deep this Rabbit Hole goes?