Why do the WTBTS and Illuminati have similar beliefs?

by Gill 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    'The Illuminati are believed to be the brains behind the events which supposedly lead to a New World Order in which the world will be run by a single fascist government and a large postion of the human race will be eliminated.'

    I found this quote in Wikipedia, to be interesting down to the WTBTS much quoted 'New World Order.'

    I don't think this phrase is used so much nowadays BUT I do remember it being bandied about a lot in the past.

    Other than that....they seem to share the same aspirations.

  • daystar

    So, how much do you know of the rest of the "beliefs" of the "Illuminati"?

    You're saying they have similar "beliefs" based upon the usage of one common phrase?

    I know quite a bit about the Illuminati. The WBTS is a joke.

  • james_woods

    I have a friend who bought that book "Natural Cures the Government does not want you to know about" or some such from all the informercials.

    Within a couple of weeks, he got a ton of information encouraging him to buy a long series of literature on the "Illuminati".

    So, I guess maybe Kevin sold them his mailing list, eh?

  • under_believer

    The term "New World Order" is very commonly used. Neither the Witnesses nor the "Illuminati", such as they are, invented the term. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_world_order for more information.

  • daystar

    Bush Sr. used "New World Order" frequently... *gasp* He must be a Jehovah's Witness!!

  • Quentin

    The term used was "The New World" as opposed to "This Old World"...changed somtime in the sixties to "The New System of Things"...wt has never used the term New World Order, unless they have done so in recent years...

  • Warlock

    Forget the Illuminati. Watch the Bilderbergers.


  • daystar
    Forget the Illuminati. Watch the Bilderbergers.

    Ooh! Ooh! Or the Trilateral Commission!

  • Kenneson

    Don't forget that Miranda's speech in Shakepeare's The Tempest Act V, Scene 1 uses the term brave new world. Of course, Aldous Huxley's book "Brave New World" derives its title from that. Jehovah's Witness influence, you think?

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I didn't know Bush Sr. used this phrase, if he did my following comment makes sense....a few months ago I was reading the books "Conversations with God" by Neal Donald Walsh, anyway, I found it quite interesting a little off, but still interesting, that is until I read book 2, and Mr. Walsh who I noticed throughout book 1 and 2 mentioned this New World Government as being the ideal, the red flag came up for me when I read the following supposedly from God.. "So the short-term solution to the world's foment may be a new social structure-a new, worldwide, government. There have been those leaders among you who have been insightful enough and brave enough to propose beginnings of such a new world order. Your George Bush (sr), whom history will judge to be a man of far greater wisdom, vision, compassion, and courage than contemporary society was willing or able to acknowledge, was such a leader", when I read this I couldn't believe it, I saw the whole picture at that moment how in the hell would God say that? What utter BS, I stopped reading after that and haven't picked it up since.

    The interesting thing is that this Neale Donald Walsh guy has a huge following, I heard he is making a movie about the "Conversations with God" series of books. He is part of a group of people that are writing books and trying to push this one world government thingy, I also think the Transcendental Meditation movement is part of the plan somehow. I wonder how deep this Rabbit Hole goes?


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