The thread on the WT$ and the Illuminati got me to think, and since I have to write a term paper in my Sociology class I thought why not research some conspiracy theories. Please help be listing some of your favorite ones. I only ask that you not tell me about 9/11, or the Kennedy clan assassinations. Those have been done to death and I want something fresh. As if there are any fresh conspiracy theories.
Give me your best conspiracy theories.
by XJW4EVR 23 Replies latest jw friends
I heard a new one today and going by their record, could be true......"The Bush administration had someone set the wildfires in California to divert attention away from the elections,the corruption and how bad they are doing in the polls".....Suck on that one for a while, lol.
The most ridiculous is that man did not land on the moon
The Watchtower Society is not a religious organization at all. They only pretend to love people and God but are actually a money making corporation growing in assets as much as they can.
Outaservice (hey, wait a minute, this can't be true can it?)
the most disgusting one, in my opinion, is that the Holocaust didn't really happen.
crop circles being made by aliens, and add to that absolutely anything else to do with aliens.
At work we get books of abstracts of recently published scientific papers, and we found an abstract for some recent research which talked about the danger of extra terrestrial signals (the sort of thing being listened out for by the SETI project) possibly containing virus like data which could infect or contaminate our own terrestrial systems. So, somewhere in this world there is research money being spent on virus checking alien signals, and I for one sleep more soundly in my bed knowing that this work is being carried out.
There's Judge Rutherford's conspiracy theory of the Vatican plotting to take over the world by propping up fascist strawmen like Hitler and Mussolini. He really believed that Hitler was taking orders from the pope, and that Catholic activists were the real Fifth Column bent on destroying democracy.
Bush was pushing his timber, I mean wildfire, bill when he came to visit in Oregon.. a wildfire started the same day in the area he was headed to.. then a few years later, the same thing happened again.. he was coming to visit and promote his anti-wildfire bill (you know the one where you cut down trees to prevent wildfire) and a fire broke out.. there were those who swore they saw black helicopters in the vacinity of where the fire started.. don't know if I believe that, I do know that the stupid wildfire bill is a bunch of BS.
and Don't get me started on Disney.. that's right, Disney.. mickey and all.. it's the Evil Empire.