Tonight I went to see my favorite comedian and my dub brother & sister-in-law were there from out of state. I just ignored them, they saw me and got this sad look on their face. I thought, you made the choice, I didn't. I just could not bring myself to make a scene. It still makes me sad. Any thoughts on getting to the point where it does not hurt & I truly don't care?
by FreeGirl2006 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Frannie Banannie
I wish there were something magical to say or do that would make it different, but it just takes time. Time heals, ((((Freegirl)))).
Awe bummer I hate it when an otherwise good time is wrecked by seeing someone you would rather have not seen.
Any thoughts on getting to the point where it does not hurt & I truly don't care?
Time is the great healer, that and getting on with your life. You've made a clear choice to be rid of the religion and unfortunately that has to include those in it by their rules, not yours so just get on with your life. Your circle of friends will widen and your past friendships will shrink until the memory of them is faint.
BTW who was the comedian?
Just be glad you don't have to live in their world, anymore. Like Frannie said, unfortunately, there are no magikal words, or fixes. Time does help. I used to think that was a bunch of bullsh*t. But time does really help!!
hugs to you freegirl. I know it's hard. It takes time, but it does get better.
I have two brothers who will have pretty much nothing to do with me, unless of course there is some family need they need ME to take care of
Recently my brother came into town and wanted to meet with me about another pressing "family issue". I didn't meet with him - it was my choice. I'm done with them and have no need for further contact. I had already planned a trip out of town with my husband so I refused to reschedule and left. I must say - it was a very good choice - my husband and I had a blast and I feel good to have stood my ground and not allow them to bring their hurt back into my life.
It took a lot of time to get to this point. Hang in there - it does get better.
Since the JW's believe the Watchtower is the mouth piece of God, perhaps you can share this Watchtower with them and get their reaction:
.Watchtower August 1, 1974 pp 467, 471,472
It is right to hate the wrong committed by the disfellowshiped one, but it is not right to hate the person nor is it right to treat such ones in an inhumane way...
21 As to disfellowshiped family members (not minor sons or daughters) living outside the home, each family must decide to what extent they will have association with such ones. This is not something that the congregational elders can decide for them...Thus, if a disfellowshiped parent goes to visit a son or daughter or to see grandchildren and is allowed to enter the Christian home, this is not the concern of the elders. Such a one has a natural right to visit his blood relatives and his offspring -
Some reminders:
Living well really IS the best revenge... be HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL and STRONG
It is THEIR LOSS, Dammit.
Here is something that you can NOT rely upon, but... people who shunned me in MY life no longer do that. I have my loved ones back...and I did not change my stance. It can happen. In the meantime, it's so MARVELOUS CHOOSING who the unconditional loved ones are in your life.
And please, above all else, remember... YOU ROCK. You are the STRONG, REASONING, and THINKING one. You'll get through this... and it WILL get easier... much, much easier.
Hang in there, Baby.
Baba -
It is THEIR LOSS, Dammit.
You are right, but you can always fight them with their own words. Show them for the two faced hypocrits that they are.
yea yea..we know they can be rude...and you've been cyberhugged to death.
but what were theydoing there? Who is this favorite comedian...what kind of act does he have? Is it really a spiritually uplifting place for them to be and be seen? Want me to call the elders and say I've been stumbled?
j/k..I haven't seen my family in so long, I doubt I'd even recognize them
It's tough when you see someone you love and they shun you. As you said though, they made the choice, not you.