The entire concept of this movie as "entertainment" disgusts me.
Sure, I indulge fantasies of torturing people in terrible and painful ways.
No wait, I DON'T.
It's a sick thing to actually WANT to see. Aren't we all supposed to love each other or something?
I mean, if you absolutely MUST go to war, at least a person gets blown up, or shot, and they die instantly or quickly (It's getting rarer that a person dies painfully, as the science of killing ourselves becomes more precise).
I would never want to see this movie. And not because I'm afraid, but because I don't gather any happiness from watching people being force to mutilate themselves, fake or not.
SAW III - A review of the movie
by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest social entertainment
These types of movies are too sick for my taste... I saw Saw and it was too sadistic for my taste; I had no desire to see saw II. Anyone who likes movies like these will die die die at armageddon... sick bastards!!!
I think being a JW is like being in a saw movie mentally. Finding that tape recorder explaining your dilemna for salvation. Trying to play the game and seeing what it does to your family. Not being able to make a safe move anywhere-only have a choice of eternal damnation and alienation from God. I was working with a guy earlier this year who could imitate the evil tape recorder voice perfectly.
Not seen any of them yet, but hoping to, just bought the Ring1&2 on DVD set , any good? hoping to see Ringu as well any comments on em?
It's a sick thing to actually WANT to see. Aren't we all supposed to love each other or something?
Oh and I
to see it.
die die die
The Ring 1 was better then the Ring 2, I wish they would not always be so sequal happy with movies. The reason they are, though, is because often they have unknown cast and it does not cost much to make sense they make the people in the original movies sign sequal clauses that set the amount of their pay, even if they make it big afterwards. It is something Hollywood started doing a few years ago, when they started trying to make sequeals to successful movies that launched people careers and soon found they had a payroll of out of budget amounts.
A guy wakes up in a room with at least 6 chains connected to large ring piercings throughout his body . The rings were through his hands (the center of his hands), back, feet (looped behind the akilies tendon) and through his jaw (imagine a large nose ring that goes behind the lower front teeth and out of the mouth). The man is left with a bomb ticking down from 1 minute and 30 seconds. In order to live he has to rip all of the "piercings" out. Lets just say he started, but didn't quite finish.
And we wonder why impressionable teens who are already troubled, get desensatized to this sort of shit and then commit violent acts against others? Why the hell would anyone want to sit there and watch something so disgusting and vile? We were all horrified beyond belief when we saw two planes hit the WTC on 9-11, yet we purposely watch gruesome stuff like this and classify it as 'entertainment'??? It's no damn different than the crowds that used to cheer when Christians were fed to the lions.
So it's not a home improvement video then