Australia A Nuclear Threat To USA!!!

by Stephanus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I was channel flicking earlier and stopped on Fox news during an ad break - the Ad that was running was a political one, you know the typical negative campaigning shit. What surprised me was that the ad was basically saying that Iran, North Korea and somewhere else were a nuclear threat to America so America needed to build new nuclear weapos, but some Democratic senator opposed America developing new nuclear weapons. Now ignoring the rediculous scare tactics the ad was using, personally I would have taken that as a damn good reason to vote Democrat.

    Have you people not heard of the Nuclear Non Proliferation treaty?

  • uwishufish

    The Ford family has been in politics for generations. One of his relitives was removed from office because too many dead people voted for her. Another relitive quit before being removed following an incident where it seems there was gun play on an interstate highway between him and a trucker.


    Wonder what the memphis news storys are that we never hear.

    His opponant makes me sick

    IMO Ford will help confirm liberal supreme justices.

  • sass_my_frass

    Interesting card to play. True story: I was at a Circuit Assembly in St Clair, Minnesota during the 2000 Sydney Olymic Games. When people asked what my accent was, I told them "Australian". Three out of four people thought that was a southern state. It might as well be. And we're closer to curing cancer than building nukes. The only nuclear threat Australia offers is that we're now selling uranium to China, I suspect because if we didn't sell it, they'd sail over here and take it anyway.

  • wozadummy

    There's no way the bogans here would let Australia hurt Tennessee, they make good booze there ,so there would be a sea of Metallica and AC/DC T-shirts attacking our Parliament house!

  • Stephanus
    There's no way the bogans here would let Australia hurt Tennessee, they make good booze there ,so there would be a sea of Metallica and AC/DC T-shirts attacking our Parliament house!

    "No blood for Jack Daniels!"

    I took a look at the polls yesterday - this gentleman had taken a bit of a hit recently.

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