How Many Clocks Did You Reset

by Undecided 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Canada is giving it up and I think the US is also

    No, we aren't giving it up. As Mystla pointed out, Daylight Savings Time will be starting earlier and finishing later beginning in 2007. We reset the clocks three weeks earlier in the spring, and change them a week later in the fall. That gives an extra four weeks of Daylight Savings Time, where time changes are in use.

    These are important dates for me to know - nobody likes working the shift in the fall (12 hour night shift turns into a 13 hour shift) and everyone likes the one in the spring (12 hour night shift turns into an 11 hour shift) - and I work this into my self-scheduling as much as possible.

    Funny thing though, with more than six months worth of Daylight Savings Time (34 weeks to 18 weeks of Standard Time), it just seems strange to think of Standard Time as the "standard" anymore.

  • MsMcDucket

    I reset the kitchen wall clock and the living room wall clock. My daughter reset the microwave and stove clocks. I haven't gotten to the watches and to the car yet. I hate these new car clocks. I always have to pull out the manual.

  • MsMcDucket

    Skully don't you just hate it when you leave for work it's dark and when you leave for home it's dark! I'm not looking forward to that again!

  • parakeet

    Don't forget about checking your smoke detectors too!!

  • sass_my_frass

    I did six, but the most important one was the seventh; the alarm clock on the stereo that wakes me up. I was an hour late today...

  • SPAZnik

    3 out of 6.
    Okay well the computer and cell phone reset themselves.
    I did the ticking clock and stopwatch.
    Still have to do the microwave.
    Thanks for reminding me about the one in my car.

  • LittleToe

    Three clocks, one watch, one car clock, and everything else changed aoutomatically.

  • Jim_TX

    I have two atomic clocks that change themselves... the VCR is automatic... the cell phone is automatic... the rest I changed. No biggie... well, except for the chiming wall clocks. It took a bit of 'turning the hands back 15 minutes' to get them re-synced.

    Reminds me of long ago when I worked at a radio station as a DJ. The assistant-engineer would come in around 1:45am and reset all of the radio station clocks. I would get to do the 1am to 2am segment twice. Long night - that was. I liked the Spring time change better.

    Also reminds me of the time I frequented a local Denny's. The waitresses would come in at various times to start their shift. One gal came in 15 minutes after the hour - proud of herself that she was only 15 minutes late. Then someone asked her what she was doing at work 45 minutes early. (They were proud of her getting there early.) She was really upset that she had forgotten about the time change... but more upset that she had gotten to work early. Everyone had a good laugh - at her expense - that day.


    Jim TX

  • daystar

    Let's see... the computers and the cel phone switched to DST automatically. I had to reset my watch, the clock on the coffee maker, one wall clock, our two alarm clocks and the clock in the car. So, 6.

    It's ridiculous that we even have to do this manually with anything bought in the last decade that has a bit of silicon in it.

  • jayhawk1

    Here is my list...

    4 wall clocks

    1 grandfather clock

    1 wrist watch

    1 stove clock

    3 alarm clocks

    I have several clocks I never set

    micrwave clock, automotive clocks, desk clock, video player clocks, 2 other wall clocks that are just wall decorations

    It is clear to me, we as people are obsessed with time. Why is that?

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