My favorite part of this article is how they decry the rise of "experts" by using modern day quotes from other experts. What they should do is quote some 50-year-old counsel on childrearing from the WT. Now that was some silly crap.
The Rise and Fall of "Experts" (wt Nov 1 06)
by IMHO 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I Typed Parenting OR Advice into yahoo and I got 666,000,000 Results
The Watchtower is giving us a search suggestion for the internet? The INTERNET? What is the world coming to!
I see that millions and millions hits aren't doing us much good. Let's just add a few innocent search terms to the Society's search string to narrow it down a bit. Oh, I don't know, this is the evil internet so we gotta choose very innocent words, so how about, ummm, inch and .... oh yeah, token, and let's see what's a good innocent word ... how about floors?
Alright, let's search for "parenting advice inch token floors" just for fun. We'll still get parenting advice pages out of those millions, but hopefully it'll be narrowed down to a managable amount. Okay, let's do it. Go ahead type it in.
Done? Fine...let's have a look.
Zoinks!!! I knew it. Satan's out to get us!