This sister is having anxiety attacks,,me thinks some here could help her:)

by orbison11 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    here is a blog from a sister who has been a jw her whole life who is having anxiety attacks, and she is asking for help,,,,,

    sorry had to remove link as it had my personal email password in it

    sheesh hate those blonde days:)

    please feel free to help with your comments\



  • hubert

    I just read the blog and the advice this girl is getting from j.w.'s.

    Poor girl .......she is so screwed.


  • mouthy

    BOY!!!! If I had a password I would tell her the truth. The only way she can get spiritual is LEAVE the WT & ask Christ to help her. Why dont you tell her to get out from among them !!!!!

  • lovelylil

    I'm with Mouthy on this one. Leaving the WT and accepting Jesus did a world of good for my panic attacks. Poor girl. Lilly

  • exwitless

    For those of us who can't read the blog now, can you give us some more info on her story?

  • orbison11

    Open Question: Are there any other Jehovah's witnesses that have ...
    Am I the only one who feels like this? I have missed a lot of meetings because of this. I want to change and be more spiritual. The anxiety is like a road block in my life. Any other witnesses with social anxiety??

    Yahoo! Answers: Mental Health -

    here this is the info i recieved that i posted on,,this should be ok:)

  • Arthur

    This is something that infuriates me. It angers me that this poor sister has to resort to talking to people on the internet to try to get the help she needs. It amazes me that a behemoth of an organization that micro-manages peoples lives like some kind of Orwellian machine, has no support resources for those who are suffering depression, anxiety, or adictions. The organization just spews out the same old pap: pray more, do more Bible reading, attend Christian meetings, etc, etc.

    I was one of those individuals who was forced to go outside of the organization to get the help that I needed. Those "worldly" people out there helped me in miraculous ways that the JW organiation never could.

    I think this sister would make great strides in her healing process if she gave the next brother who told her to read more Watchtower articles a nice, big, fat middle finger.

  • MsMcDucket

    The link that you provided didn't take me to the thread.

  • orbison11

    ok here is the site, tell me, do you need a yahoo account to see it? does my nick come up in the left hand corner when you log onto this site?


    apparently a few more have posted since i first started this thread, wish we could help this gal, truly


  • AudeSapere

    I posted a similar question earlier this week.

    Maybe someone wants to post my thread as a link to her??


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